Beta Winters

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I watched my little brother train with my father, to become the next Beta. It should have passed down to me but since I was a girl...

"Did you do the chores for the day?" My mother asked, smiling at me.

"Yes, I'm going to practice" I said leaving the house, as I waked past my dad who looked at me before turning away to his son.

I could never be good enough for him, he always wanted his first born to be his heir. However I turned out to be a disappointment to him. I can't even remember a time where he showed me an ounce of love.

I have been watching him train my brother and others. Picking up the moves and practicing, maybe if I worked hard enough he would finally accept me and show me what it means to be his child.

I watched them train for a while before my mother called us in. I waited until they went to change before I came in and helped set the table up. They followed not soon after.

"Rose, you'll be turning 16 soon. You will be shifting soon" my mother said, my dad kept on eating his food.

"Yea, Rose. Your gonna be leaving soon" my little brother said, sounding a little sad.

My father was quiet as usual, he didn't say anything just finished his food and washed it in the sink. I felt the sting in my heart again, I've had it as long as I been alive.

"Tomorrow is the Annual Pack Gathering, you might meet your mate" my mother said, I smiled at her before washing my plate and heading to my room.

I sat on my bed looking up at my celling, my mother had made it look like the night sky. A single tear dropping down my face, as I wiped it and turned on my bed. I saw the backpack I had packed. It's been sitting there for 2 years now. Everything I would need to survive in the woods until my wolf surfaces.

I heard the knock on my door, took a few breaths just as my mom came into the room. She had on her tired smile, I've seen it being used more often the past two years than when I was younger.

"I'm sorry" she said, I got up to hold her hand,

"I'm use to it, I'm stronger than I look" I told her, she touched my face.

"You shouldn't have to be that's why I have a plan for tomorrow" she said,

"What do you mean Mom?" I asked her,

"During the Gathering, your going to get your bag and your going to leave" she said handing me a map of the surrounding territories and packs that are in North America.

"Mom..." I said, she had tears in her eyes,

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't help you more. I should have been a better mother but I'm going to make sure your future is set" she said kissing my head, leaving me to go over her words in my head that night.

The next day everyone was preparing for the Gathering while I made another go bag. I helped my mom while also making sure everything was ready for me.

If I were to find my mate than I would leave with him but if not then I was leaving on my own. I wrote letters for my brother and father.

I had my jumpsuit on and walked with my parents into the Pack House. There were so many people, all the guys lined up on the other side. I looked at all of them trying to see if he was there.

"Rose" my father said standing right next to me,

"Father?" I was surprised he was talking to me,

"Don't make a fool of yourself, go to the house if your mate is not here" he said, walking away before I could say anything.

Just when I thought that there could be a chance, my hope crumbled. He couldn't even say home, he never wanted me and tonight I'll finally give him his wish.

He grabbed my mothers hand, and walked to the front with the other Alphas and Betas.

My tears start to run down my face, I caught my moms eyes. Her eyes had unshed tears, she blew a kiss as I walked out the Gathering.

No matter what I could never be good enough for him. He never saw the true me, he didn't fully love me at all. I don't know what I did so bad to have him treat me like this.

I left my bags near the tree, I always watched my father and brother. I grabbed both of them. Looking back at the place, I called home one last time before walking away from it all.

A New World (Short Stories)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara