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My 16th birthday came and went, My 17th as well. I had managed to stick to only No Man Land and deep in the woods that helped connect states together.

I almost got caught, it was when I went to a store with the remaking money I had left after 5 months living on my own. I needed new clothes, I managed to get a few small things before I saw a group of boys who sniffed the air.

I immediately started heading back to were I put my bags. I started heading back towards the woods to the nearest empty cabin.

That's how I've managed to stay warm since I haven't shifted into my wolf yet. Some of the cabins had cameras which I avoided and others were horrible but it kept me warm and sane the last year and few months.

I "borrowed" the clothes that were in the cabins but only what I needed. I always wrote a note explaining the situation I was in and writing down the address. Food was worse, I managed to find whatever was left or hunt. The first 2 months I could barely hunt anything but since then I took down anything from rabbits to birds.

The cabin I'm currently staying in, as been my home for a month now. I knew something bad was going to happen sooner or later.

I had taken an afternoon nap when I heard the door jingle. Thank goodness, I'm sleeping near the back door. I turned to see an older man who must have planned on taking a vacation.

I waited until he went to the bathroom, hearing the water turn on. I grabbed everything I could and ran out as far as I could. Kept on running for a few hours, not looking at any signs or the map.

It was starting to get dark, so I looked for the nearest shelter I could find. Only a cave, I grabbed some sticks while I walked inside. I started building a fire, and set up camp.

I cleaned all around the area, and started opening the food I had left. I finished 1/3 of what I had saved for this week. I let the fire warm the cave up a little bit more before I closed my eyes to rest.

I woke up to feel the cold, I immediately opened another fire. I didn't look around my surrounding because as I cleared the snow that came into the cave, I heard a growl.

I turned around to see a very hungry wolf, he was skinny. That meant one thing, he was going to kill me. I slowly walked back, he watched my every move. It wasn't until the 4th step back he walked closer.

I never had a panic attack before but I knew what was happening. My throat felt like it was closing and my arms hurt so much. I felt myself drop on fours in front of the wolf.

In between my panting and wheezing, the wolf stopped. He was watching me, my panic attack seemed to get worse.

I closed my eyes to try to calm myself down but instead I started feeling pain all over my body. I started blacking out and the last thing I remembered a scream/growl that came from my mouth.

I felt so warm, just like when I was home in my own covers. I opened my eyes to see it was bright and sunny outside. I stood up but not my full height. There was just me in the cave.

I went to wipe my face when I saw paws. Not just any paws, my own ones. I finally became a wolf. I started howling and ran out the cave.

After my 17th birthday, I didn't think I would have became a wolf. My eyes were heightened along with my sense of smell and hearing. I could heard the entire woods, down to the insects.

That's when I saw a rabbit, my stomach grumbled. I knew what I had to do...

After the 2nd rabbit, I felt tired. I started the run back to the cave. It was getting dark now, I headed inside going to my bag. I wanted to get the pillow but I couldn't remember how to change back.

I'm gonna be stuck in my wolf body.

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