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"We all are gathered here to say goodbye to David White," the king said, looking over at him. The old man was smiling, enjoying all the attention.

"He has been a force, in not only my father's advisor but mine as well. His words and actions have saved this kingdom countless time" he said which caused a laugh to go around the room.

From the far right side, I saw a few men making their move towards the front. I pulled out my daggers and blades feeling the cold silver.

"He will be missed but never forgotten" the King finished just as one of the men were in the front.

They were looking at the old man, I smiled it's been so long since I felt the warmth of blood. I've missed it, over the years the thrust for it was calling out for me.

"Now boys, may I ask where your invitations are?" I asked them, standing in front of the leader,

"Move bitch," he said, I pulled my hand out and put the dagger in his neck, feeling the blood gush out.

The second man came out me with such angry, but at last, that was his downfall. I dodged his moves while jabbing him with my second dagger. He dropped a few moments later, the third man had started running. I threw my blades at him, he dropped as I made my way to him.

"Mercy," he said, I moved closer towards him near his right ear.

"I don't believe in mercy," I said as I glide my dagger against his neck, causing a woman to scream. His warm blood got on my face and I could feel it slowly work its way down my neck.

I wiped the blood on my cloak, the smell of blood and death in the air. The guards were gathering the dead bodies, I looked up at the General.

"I hope that answered your questions," I said before moving towards the old man.

"You gained a few more peoples attention. Good luck my child" he said wiping some of the blood from my face,


"I'm sorry, I don't have anymore," I said to the taxer. He had his thugs around him, they looked at him.

"You had a good harvest Lucas, now pray to tell me why you claim to not have enough money?" He asked me, I gulped. I knew if I told the truth, it would cause more problems.

"Some of my tools were starting to rot so I used the money to buy new ones," I told him, he looked over at me.

"Ok," he said, I felt some of the air come back into me, I smiled but my gut told me that something wrong was going to happen.

"Thank you," I said, I moved back just as he started laughing, the thugs started in as well.

"Did you really think, I'll let you off that easily?" He said before signaling the thugs.

I closed my eyes accepting my punishment but I didn't feel touch at all. I opened them to see women in front of me. She was breathtaking, I couldn't stop staring at her. It wasn't until she turned to me that I realized that she was talking to me.

"How much do you owe him?" She asked me,

"5 gold coins, my Lady," I said to her, she narrowed her eyes to me before reaching into her pocket. She given him a small purse, landowner jiggled it before opening it up.

"That should cover ur loss and many of the others," she told him,

"If I see or hear you hurt anyone else that means your thugs too," she said,

"You should start sleeping with one eye open," she told him, he gulped before nodding.

She turned towards me, looking me once before moving back to her horse. I watched as she effortlessly gotten on her horse and rode away.

"I'm gonna marry that woman," I told myself,

It took me 3 weeks to find her but I did, she would rotate between going to the market or the brothel. Every time I would wait for my moment to get the courage to talk to her but every time I would be scared to.

Today I would finally do it, I made it to the front of the brothel when my nerves wouldn't let me open it. I stood there for a few moments when someone was coming out.

It was her, she was swaying but made it to the wooden post. She dropped a few inches when she pulled herself back up. I knew I had to do something.

I slowly walked towards her, she looked up before looking around. I was in front of her when she let go of the wooden post.

"If I may, my Lady," I said her, holding out my hand. She looked at my hand before looking at me. She took it, I pulled her closer letting her use my weight.

I found her horse and helped her up but it wasn't until I got her on her horse that I realized she was sleeping. I couldn't let her go on her horse while she slept.

So I gently got on the horse and rode my way back to my home. This wasn't what I had in mind when I wanted her to see my house but if I let her go, God knows what would have happened.


"Now tell me why are you following me, General?" I asked to the shadow that has been following me for the past few hours,

"I knew it was you from the beginning," I said to the shadows, he stepped out and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, Lady. I was just being curious that's all" he said, he was good. He can be convincing but I wasn't one to be easily fooled.

"Of course, would you like to join me than" I replied back to him, he was surprised, to say the least. It was the only I could catch him off guard.

I made my way to the door of the bar, I held the door open so that the General may follow suit. He did, I felt him assess all the exits and criminals.

I've heard of his accomplishments, many soldiers talked when they had too much to drink. He was a compassionate General, who has fought his way to the top. He has been to battle before.

"Is there a reason we're here, My Lady?" he said looking at me. He was handsome, to say the least, he held onto his manners even after seeing all the evils in the world.

"Information General, it's what makes a Kingdom stand or fall," I said moving to the back, a huge man blocked the door.

"You can't go in there," he said looking at me, I let go of my hood. Recognition hit him and I saw the fear displayed on his face.

"I....m s...ooorry, My Lady," he said opening the door to let us in.

"Who let the wench in?" One of the men in the table said,

"Why does that Matter, Sir?" I said coming into the light, the tension in the air was thick.

"Why are you all here?" The General asked I felt their attention turned towards him. His tone forced everyone to listen to his command.

"Nothing... General. We play cards" he replied back, I smirked. They didn't just play cards, they laundered money. They all have their hands dipped into the black market.

"Seems I had my information wrong, General," I said, I could feel the sweat from their faces cool down.

"Carry on," he said heading towards the door. I followed him until the door, I turned to look at all of them.

"Tell Them All," I said instilling fear into them,

"I'm back" I knew that as soon as the next day word will come out the Dark Knight is alive and working for the Kingdom. 

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