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It's been so long since I walked the streets of the Kingdom. My home was a distance away, from the court, the people. I knew I hated it before but now it was even worse.

The palace was a beauty and I would have enjoyed its presence but after spending my whole young adult life. It didn't do anything for me anymore. I walked past the guards who didn't realize I slipped past them.

He was waiting for me, a smile on his face when he saw me reach him. He pulled me in for a hug. I accepted it after he pulled me away, he dragged me to his room.

"How are you, my child?" He asked me, I walked around his room, looking at all the objects that I once was fascinated with.

"I've had better days, now I live until it's time to see Him," I said before looking at him, I know he felt the hurt behind the words but I stopped caring a long time ago.

"You aren't...." he stopped before he finished the sentence,

"No, it was a moment of weakness that I'm much stronger now," I said folding my hands in front of me.

"Now tell me why I've been summoned by the War Councilmen of the King?" I asked him, while I looked at his face.

He had grown older since the last time I have seen him. The lines along his face told stories along with the scars. He was tired and we both know it. He was going to step down soon.

"You and I both know, I'm getting too old, I've spoken to the King already. I am stepping down from my position and my replacement would be you" he said, I knocked the chair back when I stood up,

"No, I've left that part of my life behind," I told himself I walked to leave. My hand was on the door when he spoke again causing me to freeze.

"What would He want? Would He have wanted you to live like this? A shell of your previous life?" He said, his words cutting into me,

"He wanted you to mourn him but also move on afterward. Not cling to His memory until it's time to see Him again" he said I could hear his chair move back. I thought the tears had stopped over the years.

"You will do this, not for me. Not for you but for Him." He said from behind me, I turned to face him.

"It still hurts, I don't know how to without him," I said, to the old man. I felt myself drop to the ground. The tears streaming down my face, he moved down to my level.

"I know honey but you have too," he said, touching my chin to see my face.

"It's time to honor his memory and not mourn," he said, before kissing my head.

He helped me up, as I wiped my tears. I saw him pull out a case. He had kept it for me all these years. He opens it up and handed the daggers to me.

"They've been cleaned over the years. Along with making sure, they're sharp as well" he said as I touched them, I slide my finger against one. My finger bleeds but my dagger showed me it has missed me.

"I guess it is time then," I said looking at them, my reflection showing on the blade. He would be proud, He would be happy and He would see me soon. 


"Why is it that I'm not considered for the position of War Councilmen?" I asked my best friend Daniel. He looked up before looking back down, he was signing some papers.

"Hello to you too," he said sarcastically, I sat down in front of him, folding my hands on his desk.

"May, I know why I was not questioned to take the position of the War Councilmen; your Highness," I asked him in my best diplomatic voice. He signed before testing into his chair to look up at me.

"It was up to the old man, he did some deal with my father. I have to respect his decision" he told me,

"That's amazing, how do you even know the qualifications of this new member? He could be a spy for all we know!" I said Daniel raised his eyebrow at me. He knew what I meant, I turned around to look at the mirror across the room.

"Why do you want it so bad, you're the General?" He asked me, I turned to glare at him.

"You know I always wanted that position," I said, there was a knock interrupting our conversation.

"Come in," he said, I turned around to see the old man walk in. He had a shadow with him, I stood up to give the seat.

"Your Highness and General surprise seeing you here," he said, sounding not surprised at all, that man had ears everywhere.

"I bet," I said under my breath, I looked away to get a better look at the shadow. He had his cloak covering his entire outline, you couldn't make out his face.

"What do we owe the pleasure for this meeting?" I said smiling at him, he laughed before turning to Daniel.

"I have bought in my replacement, I thought it would be better for you two to meet before the ceremony later in the week," he said, the shadow moved closer.

"Of course," Daniel said, standing up. I moved in a little closer just in case, the shadow pulled the cloak back to reveal his face.

The shadow is a woman, her face was blank. She wasn't unattractive but from her face, she looked deadly. She was striking, her eyes pull you in. She held her hand out, Daniel took it.

"I know what this position entity, I will give my life for your safety and for this kingdom," she said before turning towards me.

I felt her eyes on me as soon as she turned. Her face may not have given any emotions out but her eyes say it all. She is dangerous, any man/women who go against her would not survive and I don't know why a part of me accepted it.

"General, it would be an honor to work with you," she said staring me down before nodding her head, she pulled her hood up and moved behind the old man.

"Well, now that you have met. I'll give the tour of the Kingdom and everything else she might need" he said, standing up. He bowed to Daniel than turned to grin at me. They both left the room right after, Daniel sat down first.

"That was." He said,

"Not what I excepted," I said, he nodded.

Now my mind was turning in who this mystery woman was. What were her qualifications? What was her body count and how did she know the old man?

"Do you know who she is?" I asked Daniel,

"Not a clue," he said,

"I'll find out what I can before the ceremony," I said, getting up.

I left him before he could tell me to do anything else for him. This woman was a mystery, a mystery that I wanted to know more about. 

A New World (Short Stories)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora