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"We're closing up," I said to the 3 men who came in, one of them turned the sign over while the tallest one sat down.

I felt goosebumps, the Alpha and his pose, has finally come to see little ole me. I only met him once, when I gave him my word that I was just a friendly neighbor and nothing else.

He looked at me then closed his eyes. It's was a polite way of saying to leave which I did. Not before telling the nymphs to cause some mischief for me.

"You've been busy haven't you?" He said to me,

"I don't know what you mean" I replied back as I sat down across from him.

"We are handling the situation, which has been bought forward to you," he said leaning in. I can feel his power oozing off him but I had my own protection on.

I turned to look at the garden, I created when I first bought the cafe. I saw the leaves rustling and out came 3 of the 5 wood nymphs I asked for help.

"You would have found something by now," I said looking at him straight in his eyes before running out the back door.

I know they were watching me, but I didn't care. The wood nymphs wait until I was near before 2 of the 3 left.

"We found something"

I turned to look at Pete, who was part of his pose. He said something to them, they all got up. I turned to follow the nymph through the forest. I know somewhere along the way I crossed into his territory.

They stopped near a river bank, his scent had faded but a piece of the clothes he was last wearing was there. I bent down to touch the earth. Trying to get a sense of an idea of how and when they abducted the kid.

Just as I opened my eyes, I saw the wolves making their way towards me. They looked confused but didn't say anything. I looked up at the Alpha who was watching me the entire time.

"What have you found..." he asked,

"Nora Green," I said, standing on my two legs,

"They were here, they left by using the river or by flying because I can't tell," I said, as I paced to watched the nymph who was blushing.

"I apologize for intruding on your territory," I said, waiting for him to answer me.

"We will be in contact with you," the Alpha said, I nodded before bending down to do what I was promised.

I felt my magic seep out of me and into the earth. I knew that I would be left vulnerable and weak but being in debt to any type of Fae isn't wise.

As I opened up my eyes, I saw Peace lying there. Inching just a bit closer, Fae artifacts are like that. The old ones have a personality of their own.

I grabbed it before the Alpha could, even if he wanted to humans touching Fae artifacts can have opposite reactions. I felt a surge of energy, that jolted me up.

I kept on walking, heading straight to my cafe not caring that they were watching me.


I didn't get any word from the Alpha, it made my anger rise. He wouldn't call on my help when I had found the clues.

During my lunch breaks, I started walking around the town. Trying to see if I can find anything at all.

As I passed by my cafe, he was waiting outside without his pose. I walked straight in not caring if I offended him.

"We need to talk," he said following me, sat down in front of me. I was working behind the counter. Not paying him much attention.

I let him sit there until it was time for me to close up. I know he was getting angry but I was pissed. I gave him all the clues and this is how he repaid me back.

"What is that you want Alpha?" I asked him as I closed the door to the cafe, Micah was there only because he would be a witness.

"I apologize for my behavior these past few days," he said looking at me.

"I thought my Pack should take point and find out as much information as we can but it didn't work," he said,

"Another kid went missing," he said, I felt my blood go cold.

"How many would that make?" I asked him,

"2 that we know of," he said, I felt a dark feeling coming over me. Whoever was doing this, needed magic and they were getting it from other supernaturals.

"We have found a place but it's out of Pack lands," he said, that's why he came to me.

"You want me to investigate then?" I asked him, he grimaced.

"Give me the address and I'll look into it. You don't mind backup do you" I asked him, looking over at Micah.

"Pete won't be happy," he said looking at him, I grinned.

"Well, I'm a grown ass man and a Fae to back me up," he said,

"I'll give him something," I told him, he gave me a suspicious look.

"If you thought, that being a Fae was just gonna help me. Your nuts, I'm only half and easier to be killed" I told him,

He got up after my admission, he started pacing. Maybe thinking of all the things that can go wrong or right who knows. He stopped before turning towards Micah.

"You tell Pete, he deserves to know," he said then turning to me, getting something from his back pocket.

"You save my number, and send me an update every hour or else," he said, looking me in my eyes.

His eyes were swirling colors meaning his wolf was present in the conversation too. I grinned, never had someone act like this way towards me.

"Or else what Alpha?" I said moving closer towards him, the veins in his neck were getting bigger.

"You got it, Sir," I said taking the card, our fingers briefly touched and it was enough that I felt something.

He watched me for a few moments before leaving the shop. Micah started laughing, while he grabbed his things.

"Your playing with fire and last time I checked the Fae aren't good with fire," he said looking at me,

"I'm only half and I happen to love fire. It keeps me warm" I said laughing. I watched him before officially closing up the shop.

As I walked home, I could feel someone watching me and I don't know why a smirk went across my face.

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