19. Lost Heir

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" What do you fucking expect ? That I believe the bullshit you are throwing at me. You want me to believe that this fucking billion dollar mansion belong to a boy who can't even afford his own University fees. Does this even make sense ? "

" I'm Kongpob Suthiluck, damn it. " Kong yelled in the middle of hallway. He couldn't believe for once when he decided to open up to Arthit, he is not ready to believe a single word falling out of his mouth.

" I fucking know alright. Do you think I wouldn't know name of the man whose dick I literally put in my mouth. Just fucking get your brains aligned damn it . " Arthit yelled back.

Kong glared at Arthit, his fingers automatically forming in to fist, teeth clenching in rage, he pulled Arthit by hand
" You don't believe me, then come here " Kong dragged him to their family photo,he pointed at the photo and yelled " look at this, see someone familiar? " he jeered.

Arthit watched the photo, more like stared at it. Kongpob was young in the photo, in his teens. But those brown eyes and innocent smile couldn't be mistaken. His eyes fell on two people beside him, his mother and father. Kongpob looked a lot like his Por but he has his mother's smile. Arthit didn't know why but moisture pooled in his seeing that picture. Kongpob looked genuinely happy in it. Something that he had never seen in person.

Wiping his eyes with back of his hand, Arthit looked at him in disbelief. Arthit's glistening eyes fuelled Kongpob's anger, clenching his jaw he dragged Arthit to another picture , then another and another. Every single picture was of Kongpob, at boy with bowl cut hairs, round glasses, grinning at the camera with one or other Suthiluck.

Arthit let Kong drag him to wherever Kong wanted, he just focused on hurt and pain growing on Kongpob's face with each evidence of his ancestoral claim he was throwing towards Arthit.

Kong finally dragged him to one of the walls of hallway, he pressed his palm on the pad near the wall, wall parted from the middle, making a way for their entry. Kongpob dragged him in by pulling on his hand. It looked like some kind of meeting hall. All previous Suthiluck's pictures were hanging in the walls around the room. Tearing his way through the hall , Kong took Arthit to every nook and corner of his house, pulling on his arm, dragging him to every area, secret rooms, basement , library, his father's study, his parent's bedroom finally he dragged Arthit in what looked like young Kongpob's bedroom.

Arthit stared at shelves of floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with all kind of books, even teen Kongpob seemed to be equally nerdy like his adult counterpart. The room was furnished with chocolate-brown,black and white colours unlike bright colours teens usually prefer. Arthit didn't get more time to observe and admire more about this room. Kongpob grabbed his shirt and threw him on the bed.

Kong grabbed his collar as he loomed over Arthit's lying form " Do you believe me now ? Do you believe that I , a boy who can't afford his own University fees is the last Suthiluck. The last heir to legacy of Suthilucks. The lost heir. Do you believe me now ? Or you need more evidences Arthit ? Because as much you sing sonnets of love and trust , you couldn't seem to take my words for truth. "

Arthit didn't attempt to counter the argument or release himself from Kongpob's grip, he had more pressing question whirling in his mind
" But how? Suthiluck heir died years ago ! "

Releasing the fabric of Arthit's shirt bunched in his fist, Kongpob turned his back towards Arthit " No, he didn't . His parents died . He was looted of his inheritance and his company and then he was thrown in an orphanage by his father's partner. "

" Kong... "

Kong turned glaring at him. " Don't. Don't you dare pity me "

Arthit realised that at this moment Kong was like a wounded animal, ready to lash out any moment he feels his Suthiluck pride getting hurt. Cautiously, Arthit approached Kongpob who had his back turned to him again, seeing him shaking in silent rage Arthit wound his arms around the trembling figure and laid his head on Kongpob's shoulder.

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