Part 45.

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Tessa's POV.

"Care to join me so we can catch up?" Trevor points to an empty table

"Yeah sure, I will quickly order me a coffee and join you in a minute"

I quickly order a coffee and a chocolate brownie. I wanted a bagel but the brownie was calling out to me. I tell him to add it to Trevor's table number while I pay him. I walk back to Trevor and sit on the opposite side of the table directly in front of him.

"So what brings you to New York?" I ask

"Oh well since I'm head of finance in Seattle, I had to fly here to meet with the person in charge of our team here at our New York branch, you must know James? Anyway because I'm heading off to travel for a month in a couple weeks and he will be controlling both branches while I'm away"

"That's awesome, where are you going?"

"We firstly head to Japan for two weeks then China and lastly Indonesia to relax in Bali for a week" I feel the excitement from his voice.

I smile, I'm so happy for him. I hadn't seen or heard from Trevor in two years, the last time I saw him was at a conference that Vance publishing held and at that time he was with his girlfriend Carine.

"I heard you got married?" He half says and half asks

"Yeah, long story short I'm getting divorced" I laugh to lighten the news. "Marriage didn't agree with me" I softly smile

"Tessa, I'm sorr-" he cuts himself off and changes the direction of his sentence "I mean that's really unfortunate" he says sympathetically

"No I'm fine, things just weren't meant to be that's all. Are you still with Carine?" I reply

"No unfortunately that fizzled out too, she's a wonderful person just wasn't meant for me" now it's my time to smile sympathetically

The waiter brings over our coffees and my brownie and sets them in front of us.

Just as I'm about to take a spoonful of my brownie my bum starts vibrating so I quickly take my phone out and see Hardin's name on my screen.

"Sorry I need to take this" I quickly stand up and answer it away from Trevor.

"Hey Hardin"

"Baby, where are you? I wanted to come pick Emery up?"

Baby? I hate to admit it but it still gives me butterflies hearing him call me that.

"I'm just having coffee with Trevor, but sure you can pick her up from Nora and Landon's place, she's with her nanny Joanne"

"You're with fucking Trevor?" Oh no.

"I umm ran into him at the coffee shop so we're just catching up"

"Fine, but just so you know I still don't like fucking Trevor. I'll see you at home soon" he says hanging up but not before I hear his voice hiss "Fucking Trevor" one more time.

I can't help but laugh.

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