Part 46.

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Hardin's POV.

Earlier I called Tessa and she had told me that she was having coffee with fucking Trevor, I thought that fucking bastard was old news. Now he pops up out of no where and she's bloody single. Dammit! He better fuck off after this little coffee date.

Emery and I had just grabbed us some ice cream before we head to the park, I love spending time with her. She's a mini me but has the beauty of Tessa. can't believe I lost three years with her, I'm going to make sure I don't lose anymore time that's for sure.

As we walk down the street hand in hand I see Zed and that women from earlier across the street. Emery must of spotted them too because next thing I hear is her little voice yelling


I kills me a little every time I hear her call him that, I'm her daddy not that fucking asshole.

"Daddy!" Emery screams again jumping up and down waving her empty hand

Zed hears her this time and looks straight at her, a massive smile breaks out of his face and he makes his way across the street toward us.

Don't kill him in front of Emery, don't kill him in front of Emery. I chant to myself

"Hi honey!" He swoops down picking her up for a big hug "I miss you so much" he says while squeezing her tight

Emery's giggling makes me smile even though it's Zed who's causing her little giggles.

He looks directly at me and I glare back at him, letting him know I haven't forgotten this morning. I already contacted my lawyer as soon as I let his house, I will make sure I get the right to have her last name as a Scott and shared custody but I'll talk to Tessa about that later.

After Zed and Emery had a little conversation with Emery begging Zed to come to the park with us and him gently declining we finally got to the park and I'm pushing her on the swing.

I keep thinking of ways I can get Tessa to give our family a chance, maybe I could beg on my hands and knees or just lock her in my house until she agrees to be together again. I don't know , I need to come up with something before fucking Trevor sweeps her off her feet.

"Daddy Hardin" Emery's small voice calls

"Yes, baby?"

"I'm tired, can we go home now"

Oh wow this is new, usually she's screaming not wanting to leave the park. "Yeah sure, do you want to jump on my shoulders?" I ask

Emery eagerly nodded her head, I grab her under her arms and place her up high on my shoulders. Emery rests her head on top of mine and puts her little hands underneath my chin to keep her steady as I begin to walk home.

As we walk inside the house I walk straight to Emerys room because I knew she fell asleep half way on our way home and gently lay her on her bed. As is walk down stairs Tessa is standing at the kitchen island mixing a bowl of something.

"Your date was over quick" I jokingly tease her but inside I'm dying to know how it went

"It wasn't a date, i didn't even know i would see him Hardin" she bites back

"So you won't be seeing him again?"

"No Hardin, not unless it's work related and even then I highly doubt it. This was the first time I saw him in two years" she continues her mixing

I take this chance to kiss her, but to my surprise she stops stirring the mixture in the big bowl and turns to me and deepens our kiss.

"God, I've missed you baby" i say as we pull away.

"Me too" she finally admits. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly

"Tessa, I want us to be a family. I want you two to move in here with me, I don't want to rush you but I don't want to waste anymore time baby. You already know I love you." I rush all my words out, words I've been dying to say to her since she came back into my life.


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