Part 49.

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Hardin's POV.

We've been in London for the last three days and it's been the most amazing trip of my life with Tessa and Emery by my side.

We jumped on a sight seeing tour bus and got off a few stops and walked around taking photos together, I got a few sneaky photos of Tessa looking at Buckingham Palace and her looking at the London bridge from a cafe we found not far from it.

I feel like everything is looking up for us and Tessa will finally been mine again, I wouldn't mind having more kids with Tessa as well since I missed out on Emery being a baby I'm determined to get Tessa to give me another chance. I know I still have an affect on her, I see it when she blushes at me calling her babe or baby and whenever I touch her hand but I don't want to take advantage so I try to keep my affection to minimum until she's comfortable again.

"I don't have to go shopping with your mom, if you don't think you can handle Emery on your own today" Tessa says while applying some black stuff to her eye lids in front of the hotel mirror.

"We'll be fine Tess, I think I'll take her to the Harry Potter Set"

"Hardin she's only three she hasn't even seen Harry Potter yet... wait don't you hate Harry Potter"

"So what, at least it'll give us something to do even though I hate Harry Potter I know it'll make Landon jealous, shit I'll get him a wand just to rub it in his face"

"I'm glad you didn't change your personality much Hardin, you're still a little bit of an A-HOLE" she giggles to herself

"Arse Tessa, the word is Arsehole. You can say it you know, I guess somethings never change with your lack of profanity" now I giggle at myself

"it's actually ass for us Americans and I can swear if I want to, I just don't" she finishes dusting some light tan looking powder on her face.

I watch as she packs up Her makeup and walks over to put on her boots, she's looking beautiful is her tight black skinning jeans and oversized stripped knit jumper. One thing for sure that's changed about Tessa is her clothes, her style is more modern.

I feel like being with Zed changed her, she mustn't have been comfortable being herself with him.

"Tess, what happened to your potato sack skirts and nana clothes?" She just stares at me caught of guard, Then she unexpectedly laughs but the alert on her phone gains her attention.

I watch as she quick reads the message

"Leave me alone! I loved that skirt and I still own most of my old clothes, I just go shopping with Kim now so everything I like she puts back on the rack and grabs something else so I just started letting her pick my clothes and when I'd put them on I felt pretty so I'm not complaining" she shrugs both shoulders.

"anyway your mom just texted to say she's here so have fun today text me if you need me and I'll see you later tonight" she kisses mine and Emery's cheek and leaves our hotel room

Turning around to see Emery still in the same position watching the tv on the wall.

"All right darling, let's get you ready so we can head out."

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