Part 10

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Tessa's POV

Zed and I had so much fun today we went up the Empire State Building, took loads of photos, we ate hot dogs from a hot dog cart and enjoyed each others company, he grabbed my hand and I let him. We didn't speak of our feelings which I was thankful for because I don't know how I feel.

Once we get back to his hotel room, he tells me he got me a gift a couple of months ago for my birthday, but didn't know what to do with it because at the time Hardin was against him seeing me. He pulls out a small box.

When I open it, I see a thin silver chain but in the middle of it is a beautiful single pearl.

I look up at Zed "it's absolutely beautiful Zed, You didn't have to get me anything!"

"I know, but I really wanted you to have something from me, I just couldn't find the right time to give it to you" he tells me.

"Zed, you were seeing Rebecca, you could of given it to her" I say looking up at him

"No, I couldn't. It wasn't for her." He turns away "I only tried to hang out her, so I didn't have to think about you all the time." He's goes shy again

I don't know what to say now. I'll just say how much I love it cause I do love it.

"It's beautiful, can you clip it on for me?"
I put it on and turn my back to him so he can clip it together.

I walk over to the mirror and look at it on my neck, I see in the reflection Zed looking at me, there's a softness in his eyes, which makes me blush.

I walk over and give him a hug.

"Really Zed, you didn't have too. Thank you so much" I say into his chest

"Tessa, I don't want to push anything on you. my feelings are so strong for you and I know your not ready and I'll wait but I just want you to know, when your finally ready, I'll be here" He says
against my hair

We stand in each others arms for a couple minutes but we're interrupted by my phone ringing. It's Landon, I quickly answer it

"Hey Landon, what's up?" I say into the speaker

"Hey Tessa, where are you? Will you be back tonight? I was wondering if we could do dinner?"

"Oh sorry, Yeah. Zeds flight is in a couple hours so he's heading out soon, I'm just saying bye then I'll be home with in the hour."

"Cool, I'll see you then" Landon hangs up

After saying goodbye to Zed and him thanking me for the day. He walks me out the entrance and waves me bye while I jump in the Uber.

Once I get back to the apartment Landon is sitting in the lounge with Nora.

"Hey Nora! Sorry I didn't know you'd be here."

"Me either but my roommates are being annoying so I was thinking I'd just come over"she shrugs

Landon's looking at me like I just caught him doing something, I can tell he finds her attractive but I don't know, I'll just drop it and ask him later.

"Want to come with us to dinner?" I ask Nora

"I could cook us something?" It's like she's asking but also telling me.

"Sounds good to me" me and Landon say at the same time.

Me and Nora head to the shop to grab a few ingredients, she tells us she'll make us look some chicken creamy pasta that is her favourite.

After dinner I wash up in the kitchen and load the dishwasher. Nora tells us she needs to go and heads out.

"Hey Tessa, I need to tell you something." He seems nervous then he spots my new necklace dangling. He gives me a curious look but doesn't say anything.


"Hardin's back, he's in Pullman and he's looking for you."

All I hear is a smash, it takes me a second to register but when I come to, I look down and realise I just dropped the bowl I was just about to put in the dishwasher.

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