Part 13.

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Tessa's POV.

Sunday passed by so fast, i was on my feet all day at work. I loved it, it gave me less time to think, I was able to text Zed on my lunch break. He said Florida is really hot but he's really enjoying seeing his family, he's there for two weeks during the summer break. When I got home I showered and went straight to sleep.

I start making me and Landon coffee like I do everyday, just as our coffee machine beeps he walks in the kitchen.

"Morning" we say in unison, then smile at the same time. We truely are like the same person

"What do you have planned today? I start work at one" Landon says

"I'm not sure, Lila wanted to take my shifts this week cause she needs some extra cash before her holiday next week, so I have the rest of the week off" I let him know. I don't know what I'll do.

"I might call Nora soon and check what time her shift is today and hang out with her" I saying sipping my coffee.

Before I jumped into the shower.
i called Nora, luckily she has the day off today so I'm meeting her at her apartment. I hope Danielle isn't there today, last time i went over she asked me a thousand questions about Landon and I can't help but feel protective over him since she left him and it makes me uncomfortable to tell her things.

Clipping my new necklace around my neck and grabbing my purse i quickly check my appearance in the floor length mirror one last time. I start to text Nora I'm on my way when I hear a knock at the front door, Landon calls out to me that he'll get it, as I step out my room looking down at my phone I hear Landon's voice "What the heck are you doing here?" I'm nearly at the end of the hallway when I hear another voice with an accent. Crap I know that accent!

He steps into the living area, he looks around then he snaps his head to the side and sees me, we lock eyes on each other. Before he can say anything, I run down the hallway to the only room with a lock on it, the bathroom.

I hear him rushing behind me, I quickly slam the door and lock it.

"Tessa, open the door baby." He softly says while twisting the door handle. "Tessa open the door, I miss you!" He raises his voice.

I need to get out of here, "Tessa I will kick this door down!" He yells through the door. I open the bathroom window and climb down the fire escape and start running towards the subway.

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