Part 19.

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Hardin's POV.

I hate to admit it but Landon was right. I need to show Tessa It will be different this time, I'll never leave her again. I'll change for her I'll do all I can to make sure she sees it, I'll be better for her. I fucked up this time royally fucked up this won't be easy to fix. She'll come back to me eventually because she knows we belong together. And when she does come back to me, we will have the rest of our life's together. Her and I.

When I left New York I told Landon he has to text and call me with updates on Tessa at all times. I told him he better make sure nothing happens to her because I'm only leaving because of what he said. He agreed and told me that he'll talk to her for me when the time is right.

When I landed back in Pullman, I gave up our apartment straight away. I moved my things into my room at Ken's and Karen's house , my graduation is soon and since my dad is who he is, I am able to sit all my papers that I missed. My dad and I had a heart to heart and I finally forgave him for everything, since my mum and Vance got caught, it made me realise that for all those years Ken was just hurt and turned to the bottle. Ken said I will always be his son no matter who's blood flows through my veins and i couldn't be more delighted for him to be my dad.

Tessa's POV.

Watching Zed with his family the last few days have made me see him in a new light. He is so protective and adorable with Zoey. We took her to the movies us and the beach, she's really well mannered but I think that's more to do with her and Zeds relationship, they are really close.

Landon and I have been texting each other, he let me know Hardin went back to Pullman, he's going to get some help so he can better himself so for now he will give me the space that I need. I do wish Hardin happiness, after everything we went through I hope for himself he can get the help he needs, I just can't be that person anymore. I can't slowly let him destroy me any longer, every time he left me I died a bit inside and I can't do that to myself again.

I fly back to New York this afternoon, Zeds staying another week before he flys back to Washington. We've grown so close during this trip it's like we're practically together at this point.

Zoey and I are on the patio table having a high tea party. We made little sandwiches and put some cookies onto some trays but instead of tea I'm drinking coffee, I've had so much fun with Zoey she's lovely and very girlie girl and loves everything pink.
Zeds swimming in the pool with Zeke and his friends, He told me to jump in but I would feel awkward wearing a bikini in front of everyone I'm not confident enough yet.

"Tess, I'll go have a shower now then we better get going so we can get you to the airport" Zed says while walking passed us with a towel around his waist.

I smile at him. I go upstairs to make sure I have everything packed up. Zeds finished his shower and grabs my duffel bag from me.

"Ready?" He asks while exiting his room door.

"I wish you didn't have to go Tessa, can't you stay longer?" Zoey asks while we walk down the stairs

"I'm sorry Zoey, I've got to go back" I say smiling at her

"Well I'm going to miss you so much, make Zed bring you home more" she gives me a big hug "you're the sister I always wanted"
I give her a big hug back. "I'll miss you too" I smile at her. I thank Julia and Malcolm again for having me.

Zed pulls up at the airport and jumps out and walks me in, I told him not to but he just ignored me and grabbed my bag.

My flights gets called to board the plane now.

"Zed, thanks so much for this week. I loved every moment of it" I lean into hug him

"I love you Tessa" she says while he hugs me back but he then sucks in air and I can tell he didn't mean to say them out loud so he holds me a little while longer out of embarrassment

I release myself and look up to his face "I do too Zed. I mean, I do love you too." I say I feel my cheeks going red.

He leans in to kiss me and I meet him half way and kiss him back. It's so hot but romantic at the same time. He pulls me in for a bigger hug and squeezes tight. "Wait, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes" I say

He pulls me in again and kisses my forehead then my nose and lastly my lips. We say bye and he waits and waves at me until i can't see him through the gate anymore.

My flight finally lands in New York and God I'm so relieved to be back on land again, that flight was horrible and I mean horrible the turbulence half way through the flight made my stomach drop and I was so close to vomiting.

I catch a cab back to the apartment, Landon must still be at work. I have a quick shower and chuck a lose shirt and shorts on. When Landon finally comes home I tell him I ordered us some Chinese and it'll be delivered in 15 minutes. Landon jumps in the shower and by the time he's finished the Chinese arrives.

We sit and eat on the couch watching a rerun of friends. He asks me a million question about me and Zed and my holiday. I tell him that i decided to start dating Zed he stopped and dropped his chop sticks in the container.

"Tessa, are you sure about this? I mean don't be mad at me but just be careful okay I don't want you rushing into something just to get over Hardin" he says.

"I know Landon, I would never be mad at you. It's just that, I don't know but that trip away it made me really fall in love with him. You think he's my rebound after hardin, don't you?" I ask

"It's not that Tessa, it's just that what you had with Hardin is something you only get once in a life time. Everyone seeing that, I just don't want you to regret this" he says

"Don't worry about me Landon, If Hardin and I are meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other eventually."

Feeling sleepy, I say goodnight to Landon and head to bed, As soon as my head hits the pillow I hear a crinkle coming from under it. It's a small folded up piece of paper.

        My heart is, and always will be yours.
     With every beat of my heart I will love you

He didn't sign his name but I know his hand writing it's from him.

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