Part 12.

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Hardin's POV

Pulling into our apartment building i can see my car in the parking lot. She must be here, once I step into the living room, I call out for her. It's so dark and cold in here, almost like a haunted house. I know immediately she isn't here. I go into our bedroom all her belongings are gone. I don't get it, how is her car at my parents house. Where the hell is she?

I call Vance, even though he's the last person I want to talk with.

"Hardin, thank god you're calling me. Look we need to talk." He spits out as soon as he answers

"We're not talking about that shit right now, is Tessa at your place?" I say impatiently

"Where are you?"

"At my apartment! Are you deaf? Is Tessa at your place or what?" I curse down the phone

"No Hardin, she's in New York." He states like I should know

"What the fuck? Is she there for a conference?"

"Hardin, she lives there now. Wait, didn't you know about this?" Fuck no obviously!

"No! Obviously not, you dick!" he's getting on my last fucking nerve.

What the fuck! She moved to New York?

"Like actual New York? As in a plane ticket away, New York City?" I'm so fucking confused why didn't anyone fucking tell me this or text me.

"Yeah, after she found her dad. She gave me her notice at Vance publishing that week and told Kimberly she was moving there with Landon."

Fucking Landon!

I hang up straight away, and try calling my fucking step brother but he of course doesn't answer.

Grabbing some of my clothes from the closet I head back to my dads.

I rush inside Ken's house and walk straight in his office.

"When the fuck were you gonna tell me she moved to New York?" I barge through the door.

"Son" He looks beyond surprised.

"she asked us not to, she's had a rough couple months. After you and after she found Richard she needed a fresh start"

Richard? What the fuck does Richard have to do with anything? "What did that junkie do?" He better not of hurt her.

"Hardin, Landon was trying to get hold of you when it all happened"

"When what happened?" For fuck sake I'm so confused, this is what happens when you're a fuck up and fall into a dark hole for two months.

"Richard overdosed on heroine, in your apartment bathroom" he says looking down

"Woah, What the fuck!"

"Hardin, Tessa was the one who found Richard, Landon said all he could hear was her screaming when he got to the front door, he ran in and she was on the bathroom floor with his head on her lap. She went into complete shock after that. She wouldn't talk, eat or drink anything for two days, she just sat downstairs on the floor staring at the wall in the living room" he rubs the back of his neck

Fuck, what have I done. I wasn't there for her. I'm never there for her when she needs me. Shit, every time I leave her something bad happens.
Fucking Richard.

"I thought you paid for him to go rehab?"

"Me too, I contacted them after everything. They said he checked himself out, even after I gave strict instructions not to let him check out without contacting me first, they couldn't give me any type of explanation. I'm sorry son, I'm sorry I disappointed you"

"Don't be sorry, its not your fault" I lift my hand and rest it on his shoulder.

"Seriously dad, I fucked up but I need to find her to make this right. What's the address for them in New York?"

"Hardin, I can't give it to you. Tessa is part of this family now, I have to protect her too, I can't just throw her in the deep end."

"Please, I'm just going to go and check on her and talk. I didn't know about Richard, if I knew I would of came back straight away" I shake my head.

"I said no Hardin! I'm not giving you the address.." He raises his voice slightly

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