Part 43.

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Hardin's POV.

"Landon, just fucking tell me already" I've been trying to force Landon to tell me what's going on with Tess and Zed but he's not spilling.

"No, bro you know I can't. It's not my place to tell you."

"Fuck off Landon, just tell me! This isn't small Landon, I saw divorce papers and I'm heading over to their place now to talk to Zed anyway so what do I need to know before I go?" I keep pushing

"Well in that case I sure as hell am not telling you" and with that said Landon hung up on me

"Asshole!" I yell at the phone

Tessa finally told me she's been staying with Landon and his wife but didn't tell me why. That's why I'm in the elevator going up to Zeds apartment now about to beat the shit out of him for firstly laying his hands on Tessa and secondly because that asshole has had this coming since he thought he could take what is mine and has always been mine.

But before I do any damage, I want answers!

Knock knock knock

Zed swings the front door open looking like fucking shit and surprised. I walk straight in because I really don't give a shit about this wanker. stepping into the living room I realise he has company.. there is a young woman shitting on the couch with blonde hair looking slightly uncomfortable.

"What's going on here?" I turn to ask him. all I know is this tosser better not be doing anything dirty behind Tessa's back

They're getting divorced! I remind myself. Lucky me.

"What the fuck do you want Hardin?" He crosses his arms over his chest

"I'm here to grab some of Emery and Tessa's things" I lie. "You didn't answer my question, what is going on here?"

"First off Hardin, fuck off I don't have to give you any explanation of what I do in my own house!"

"Yeah, at house you share with your wife and my daughter" with that said I look at the blondie sitting on the couch who looks down at her hands on her lap cheeks bright red.

Yeah he's definitely fooling around.

I grab him by his shirt and drag him down the hallway toward Emery's old room.

I shove him in and slam the door shut before I turn and punch him straight in the jaw, he falls to the floor but quickly jumps right back up.

I side kick him in the knee which makes him buckle and fall to the side I punch him again but this one hits the side of his head.

"Who is she out there? Is that why Tessa filed for divorce?" I ask "answer my question or so help me I'll make sure I send you to the hospital again just like I did those years ago, don't test my patience"

"Fuck off Hardin!"

"You hurt Tessa! And my baby witnessed you hurt her your lucky you're still breathing" I verbally spit at him

"Just because I messed up doesn't mean she'll take you back. She isn't an idiot, you're still a waste of time and energy" Zed smugly speaks

"Are you so sure about that?" I smile at him

"they will be mine again, truthfully they've always been mine. That's why this will be easy to get her back so maybe I should be thanking you for fucking up" I laugh at his face

"Yet, Emery calls me her daddy" now he's the one laughing and I can't say anything but all I see is red I start punching him again but he blocks it and decks me in the throat which took me off guard and I start coughing like crazy, once I catch my breath form being winded. I stalk toward him but Tessa ends up in front of me blocking my way. Tessa.

"Hardin what are you doing here?" Shit, shit I wasn't expecting her here. shit did she see that women in the living room.

"Tessa, move! I need to teach your husband some fucking manners"

She holds my chest and whisper for me to "stop" I look down at her "please, it's hard enough" she pleads.

"Get the fuck out of my house" Zed yells from behind her

I look at her and turn and walk out of the room toward the front door but I stop when I hear his fucking voice yelling at me

"Maybe you forgot something Hardin! Her names Emery Evans" he's laughing. Bastard. Fuck! breathe Hardin! don't break his nose again, you can afford to catch a charge!

"You think they're yours, but forget I helped raised her. I'll always be a father figure to her and if you don't think so I'll see you in court for visitation rights!"

Breathe! fuck! breathe! fuck! You need to walk away Hardin, walk away.

I take a deep breath and walk out and slam the front door behind me.

She's a fucking Scott! I will gladly see him in court, I don't don't give a fuck how much my lawyer bills will be, we will be changing her last name to fucking Scott! Emery Scott.

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