Part 47.

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Tessa's POV.

"Hardin, I know you want all that but if we rush things I'm scared we will mess it up again" I have and will always love Hardin Scott. I know after everything he will most likely be the one I spend the rest of my life with but it's all about when the timing is right for us to be together. I know we are different people we once were but I'm only just getting divorced and i don't want to rush into something else so quickly.

"Okay I understand, how about you and Emery move in here, you can take the spare room until we figure everything out" he suggests

I don't mind that idea because for one i don't have my own place just yet and two Emery loves it here, she has her own room and Everything she needs and three I won't be a burden to Nora and Landon anymore. Even though they don't view it that way I still feel like a burden.

"Okay Fine, but no sneaking in my room in the middle of the night" I point at him

"Do I still get kisses?" He asks with puckered lips

I laugh at his fish lips and quickly peak them "I don't want to confuse Emery, so for now no kisses. Until we establish what we are" I state firmly

"Okay, but while we establish that, you are mine and I am yours that means, no more dates with fucking Trevor!" He snaps

I roll my eyes at him "Hardin it wasn't a date!"
I decide to quickly change the subject "I'm making peanut butter cookies, the ones I made for your mother and you that time she came for Christmas all those years ago, do you remember?" I smile up at him

"Yeah of course I remember, the Christmas was awful but amazing at the same time. We had broken up and got back together your mum told me I was the devil and I punched my dad. It was very eventful" he laughs loudly

"Yes it was." Hearing him talk about my mother I start to think how she is, I wonder what's new in her life. I haven't spoken to her in three years when she told me I was stupid and I need to get rid of my mistake Emery.

"Heeeeello? Tessa?" I snap out of my deep thoughts and look up at Hardin "what's on your mind?" He asks

"My mother" I answer honestly

"The infamous Carol, how is she?" Shit I hadn't told Hardin I no longer speak with my mother

"I don't know, I hope that she is good" I try to avoid talking about her "I miss your mom, how is Trish? I feel like we need a round two of London since last time didn't go as planned"

"No thank you! I don't want to go back there especially with the chance of seeing people I don't want to ever see again in my life."

"No, I don't mean Hampstead! I mean we stay at a hotel in Westminster and do touristy things, take Emery to see Buckingham Palace, Big Ben oh my god we could go up the London Eye!" I'm getting excited now I think of all the things to do

"Seriously?" He asks "that actually sounds like fun" he adds

"Yes! We can tell your mum and Mike to come and visit us at the hotel so we don't have to go near that part of city" I clap feeling like I have found the solution

"This is what you want?" He raises an eyebrow

"It'll be our first family holiday" I beam at him which makes him smile

"Okay then, wait let's take a train down to France and go to Disney Land Paris too" he joins in on my excitement "I'll grab my laptop and start making bookings" he kisses me again and walks off

I'm so excited! I hope everything goes as planned. I'm excited to see London again!

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