Part 27.

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Tessa's POV.

I feel heavy so heavy, I'm trying to open my eyes but I can't. I can hear voices around me but I can't make out what they're saying. I feel someone's hand squeezing mine

"Hardin." I try speak "Hardin?"

"I'm here baby" I hear a voice say "open your eyes baby" the voice says again

"Hardin?" I say again

"No babe, it's me Zed"

I finally peel my eyes open and see Noah and My Mother standing next to my beside with Landon and Zed at the foot of my bed. I clear my throat.

"Hi babe." Zed says smiling down at me
"Tessa." Landon and Noah say together with tears in their eyes.

"Ms young, welcome back it's going to be a little confusing but you've been unconscious for nearly two weeks" a man in a white coat says while he puts gloves on.

"Do you have any idea where you are?" The doctor asks while he starts checking my pulse

"the hospital" I presume

"Yes, you were involved in a car accident with your boyfriend"

"Hardin?" I reply without thinking

"No babe, me" Zed says but his voice doesn't sound offended at all

"Oh, I'm sorry" I try smile a little at him but my face feels heavy so I don't even know if I smiled or not.

After a series of questions about myself the doctor asks what's the last thing I remember, i remember coming back to Washington with Landon and that night I found out I was pregnant but I don't remember anything else that happened. The doctor writes on my charts then tells me he will be back.

"Oh Theresa my dear! You really have no luck with vehicles do you, I've been so worried" she says while grabbing me in for a hug but I flinch because of the pain.

Zed and Landon both just sit beside me without saying anything as my mother speaks,
she tells me that another car ran through a red light and slammed on my side of the car... she says how surprised she is about my new boyfriend bluntly. I look over to Zed who rolls his eyes, I giggle.

"Oh Theresa I am so relieved you are alive and well but how could you be so stupid and get yourself pregnant!? At nineteen, you have a whole life in front of you... luckily they have option these days" she says calmly


Zed jumps to his feet "options!?" Oh no "Sorry I don't mean to be disrespectful but you have no say in this" he points to my mother.

"No say? I'm her mother, you two haven't even dated long.. I don't know what the hell she was thinking to finally leave Hardin and then get with you someone who is just like him. Listen, she doesn't need to be trapped in this relationship because of some mistake" my mother dismisses him

"Mistake?" Zed sounds shocked "sure the baby wasn't planned but let's get one thing straight, if you speak like that again you won't ever be around our kid" he snaps at her

"Excuse me, how dare..." I don't let my mother finish her sentence

"Mother, stop it! He's right, leave him alone" I say to her

"No he's not Theresa, you have a whole life out there. You haven't even finished college, you can't be a mother now" she sits back on the side of my bed

"Mother, I'm not in the mood for this right now."

"But Theresa..."

"Carol, Tessa just woke up. maybe give her sometime before you have this conversation" Noah speaks up for me.

Without another word she grabs her handbag and walks straight to the door but before she leaves she turns to me "Theresa, if you keep this baby you will be making a huge mistake! You can't keep it and have a life, you'll struggle by yourself after he's had enough he's just like Hardin and just like your own father" she spits her venom and then turns and walks out.

"Babe, don't listen to her she's nuts absolutely nuts! I'm not leaving you" Zed says. "Do you need anything are you hungry?" He asks

"Yes, so hungry I feel like chicken soup or corn soup" I say I never really cared for soup but I guess I'm having cravings

"Is that a craving?" Zed asking smiling

"I think so" I giggle back at him.

"Okay, I'll go grab some then I'll be back, do you two want anything" he asks Noah and Landon.
Noah asks to go with him and Zed agrees then leans down and kisses me.

When they aren't in the room any longer I turn to Landon.

"Tessa" he gives me a big hug "Don't do that again, okay" he says laughing

"I'll try not to, I promise" I hug him back

"Tessa, do you remember that night you came to my parents house? Were you going to tell me you're pregnant" He asks

"Yes, I think so" I respond "How's Hardin?"

"When he found out he left that night to Chicago, he was devastated"

"Oh" is all I can say... well I thought, I thought maybe he'd still love me, he'd tell me that he'll love my baby too just how Zed did and then I'd tell him he was actually the father not Zed and we'd figure it out but he just left and didn't even care. I guess I'm asking to much he never wanted kids so why would he won't a kid that he thinks is not his.

"Landon, I have to tell you something" I say


"Zeds not the baby's father"

"Wait, What?... Hardin?"

"Yes Hardin, but Zed said he would raise the baby like his own and I'm so confused because I'll never love Zed the way I do Hardin but I know I can rely on Zed and he will truely love us. Hardin will hate me for making him be a father when he never wanted to be one. Please Landon, don't tell him" I beg

"You can't be with Zed then if you feel that way" Landon tell me

I begin to cry "Tessa, its going to be ok" he says bringing his arms around me

"How do you know Landon"

"Because you'll have me and I'll help you"

"I can't ask you to do that Landon!"

"We will raise this baby together Tessa. you and I Me and you, us! As best friends and when the time is right you can tell Hardin because you can't do it with Zed, when Hardin finds out eventually he'll lose it if he knows Zed raised his child." he says

"I love you, you know that right. I'm so lucky I have you in my life" I sob into his shoulder

"I love you too Tessa, I'm not going anywhere. You and this baby with always have me" Landon assures me

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