Part 17.

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Tessa's POV.

we went straight to the mall after I landed, I told him to go do something while I look at all the girly shops so he's not so bored, he mentioned there's a arcade section in the mall and he'll be there waiting until I'm finished. He told me to grab a swimsuit as well since it's super hot here and they have a pool at his parents house and we can go to the beach too.

I got all the clothes I needed from Urban Outfitters and Forever 21 even my new underwear and bras. I couldn't choose between a white and black bikini so I brought both. I also brought me some White sneakers and sandals because all I have is the Toms on my feet right now. I realised I needed a bag for all my purchases to go in, after finding a medium size duffle bag, I have everything I need for now.

I begin to start looking for Zed, I spot him playing some sort of game where he's shooting at space ships. I walk behind him and tap his shoulder, he turns around and gives me a big smile, his spaceship thing of screen ends up getting hit and the game ends. Massive words saying 'NEW GAME RECORD' show up on the big screen.

"I use to play this game all the time growing up, after school me and my friends would come and sit here for hours" he shrugs his shoulders

"Cute" I giggle at him "Well you better put your name in" I nod towards the screen

After he puts in 'ZED N TESS' and saves it.

"Why did you put my name?"

"Well I couldn't of done it without you going shopping" he laughs. "All done? Or did you just miss me?"

"I'm done for now" I smile

He leans over and takes the bags out of my hands to carry them for me. He wraps his other arm around my shoulders while we walk through the mall back to the car.

"Zed, Zed Evans?" We hear someone call from behind us.

We both turn around and see a beautiful Brunette girl standing there with a couple of other girls. Her friends are staring at me eyeing me up and down I look up to Zed, Zed looks surprised but doesn't remove his arm from around me.

Zeds POV.

"Zed? Zed Evans?"

Tessa and I both turn around, I see Britney standing looking at us with Fiona and Oompa Loompa behind her well that's not her real name, I just called her that because she spy tanned way too much and she was a bitch back in high school.

"Hey Brit" I say, shit I didn't want to see her

"Are you back in town for a holiday? What college do you go to again? Washington?" She asks me then turns her attention to Tessa

"Ahh yeah I'm here seeing my family." I clear my throat "this is my girlfriend Tessa" I say without thinking. Tessa looks up but doesn't correct me.

"Hi I'm Britney" she reaches out her hand to shake with Tessa. Britney's pretty but not as beautiful as Tessa and by the look on Britney's face she knows it too.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Tessa shakes her hand and Britney's side kicks roll their eyes still giving Tessa dirty looks.

Britney and her friends have always been nasty trolls, they use to bully and tease girls back in high school, I still don't know how I even started dating someone like Britney, but she was different when it was just us two alone but as soon as her friends were around her attitude always changed.

"So how long have you two been seeing each other?" Brit asks Tessa

"A few months" I respond so Tessa doesn't have to lie for me.

"Well, how nice" she looks up at me "I hope you don't cheat on her like you did me" Britney spits out. What the fuck!

Tessa looks shocked beyond shocked

Uoompa Loompa and Fiona burst into laughter and Britney turns around to them and they all walk off. Like the bitches that they are.

I turn to Tessa who surprises me even more by giving me a small smile and grabs my hand and starts to pull me to walk with her.

"we don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to" she says while we walk hand in hand to my mums car

I know she's lying, Tessa is always so nosey in a cute way. She likes to know everything so I'll tell her in the car.

"I dated Britney back in high school. We dated for nearly a year until half way through senior year" i say while I'm driving. Tessa just stays quiet

"She wasn't the nicest person to others, and It would piss me off when she picked on girls and embarrassed them. Anyways long story short we were at a party one night and she embarrassed this girl so bad that the girl ran out crying while everyone sat there and laughed at her. I got up and walked out to find that girl, I ended up walking her home anyways when we went to school on Monday the girl saw me sitting with Britney so she avoided me and sat by herself while everyone at our table looked and laughed at that poor girl. I couldn't take it so I grabbed my lunch tray and sat at that girls table. Britney came up and started arguing with me in front of the cafeteria so I turned around and kissed that girl on the lips then I broke up with Britney in front of everyone and she ended up being the one embarrassed. She has hated me ever since." Tessa doesn't say anything until I hear her laughing I mean a loud laugh.

"Oh my god Zed! I don't mean to laugh but that is hilarious!" She's trying to breathe "not the part for that poor girl but the part where Britney got what she deserved" she's shaking her head.

"I know, I just didn't want you to think I'm just some cheater" I say looking over at her.

"It's fine Zed, I'm not going to judge you for your past" she smiles back at me. While I pull into my driveway...

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