Part 39.

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Two weeks passed and I'm surprisingly not heartbroken as one should be. After my talk with Landon I started to think about fate, Zed met Therise before we decided to be together again and I feel like we did intercept destiny by deciding to be together when we should of let each other go the first time.

I haven't spoken with Hardin much but I know he's moving to New York next week he found himself a three bedroom beautiful town house with three and a half bathrooms and large kitchen he sent me pictures of to show emery. So she can decide which room she wants and what colour walls she wanted for her room. Of course she said pink then changed her mind and asked for green last night.

Joanne, Emery's nanny has been coming to Nora and Landon's house. I had to call her to let her know to come here instead for now.

Work went super fast today, since I've been looking at apartments online for Emery and I.

I know one thing for certain, I will be filing for divorce from Zed. He needs to be there for his baby and for Therise, whether he wants to or not. I have no idea how Noah looked beyond my cheating because for me I realised I'm a person who can't move past it.

Pulling up to my best friends town house I walk in the door and hang up my bag, and make my way into the kitchen where Nora is making dinner.

"Hey girly, Joanne said Zed came and picked up Emery early this afternoon"


"Zed came and took Emery home" she says confused "Joanne said Zed mentioned you made an agreement with him to take her for the night"

"Shit" I run back to my bag to grab my phone and call Zed immediately

"Hey baby, you finally decide to call me back" he sounds cheerful

"Zed, where's emery?"

"With me at home where she belongs you know, at home with her daddy" he replies condescending. I sigh loudly

"Zed, I'm coming to get her now"

"No can do babe, you either come home too and stay here so we can talk this out and be a family again or I'll take off with her and you won't see us again"

"Your joking right, you made this mess not me" I yell through the phone

"Is that mommy? Tell her I'm helping make dinner" I hear emery's little voice in the background

"See you soon honey, Emery and I are making dinner so hope you haven't eaten" then he hung up on me.

I quickly grab my bag and rush out the door I yell bye to Nora.

Fucking hell tonight's going to be eventful

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