Part 1.

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It's been one week since we buried my father Richard young, the man I had only started to get to know.

Each day that passed I felt myself slowly coming to terms of what I had witnessed.

Walking in that bathroom that day I truly thought that body on the floor was the man I thought was the love of my life, I was so relieved when it was my own father laying there instead. I felt and still feel so guilty that I had that feeling, it made me sick to my stomach that I would rather my father be the one lifeless rather than Hardin.

As much as I hate Hardin and what he did, deserting me in London, sleeping with that girl. I would never want anything to happen to that curly brown hair headed man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with.

Since that day I realised it was just another thing to add to the pile of shit in this train wreck I call my life.

"THERESA!" my mother calls.

"I'll be down in a second."

I finish curling the ends of my hair, I've been here for the last week with my mother. It's been a struggle but at least I have been away from everything that reminds me of him.

Walking down the stairs I see my mother walking toward the kitchen and Noah sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hey" Noah gives me a small smile

"Hey Noah"

"You're really going to New York than?" He asks me he seems more nervous then me.


"I'm heading to Seattle today to say bye to Kim and grab the rest of my things from their house. Then I'll be going to Landon's tomorrow than we fly out the day after."

"You're sure about this? Tess, I mean it's New York."

"I know, I know Noah, but I need this, I need to not have a plan, I need to to escape washington if I stick around here or Seattle I'll always feel stuck I need to get far away from here so I can move on. Figure myself out. Figure who I am as a person" I reach for his hand and hold it.

"Noah, I'll be ok. Don't worry about me. Besides if it doesn't work out, I can always come home" I give him a small reassuring smile.

"He hasn't tried to contact you? Do you think he knows about everything that's happened?" He doesn't have you say his name, I know exactly who he's talking about.

"No, i have no idea. But I don't want to hear from him either" I say I feel my voice shake a little I'm sure he does too but doesn't mention anything.

"Ok, just be strong. You're to good for someone who abandons and treats you like this constantly" I don't say anything I just look at the floor. I can tell he knows I don't want to talk about this anymore so he says

"God Tess! I'm going to miss you, promise me that if you ever need me, you'll call. No matter the time or how big or small the matter is call me, I mean it. You're my best friend Tess, promise me."

"I promise" I give me a huge hug "Noah, you're to good for this world, you know that right?" I kiss his cheek

"Be safe in California and I hope you and Becca make this thing work between you two, you've changed in a good way and I'm so happy for you" we walk toward the front door, we exchanged one last hug and promise to call and check up on one another a least once a month. With a wave goodbye he starts to walk toward his home.

Closing the door I hear my mothers heels on the kitchen floor

"Wasn't it nice for him to come say goodbye to you after everything?" My mother says. my mother has never been a women of subtlety with her little snide remarks to me.

"Yes mother, we are bestfriends." I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you packed and ready to go?"

"Yes mother, I just need to grab my duffle bag from upstairs than I will hit the road."

I'm so lucky that Landon brought my car to my mothers house when Him, Ken and Karen attended my fathers funeral.

"Theresa, do be safe call me when once you get to Seattle so I know you've made it safely. If New York doesn't work you can always come home but come home whenever you need. I love you" she gives me a big hug, bigger then I knew she could even give.

"I love you mother" I say and jump into the drivers seat. I roll down the window and give her a little wave before I begin to reverse but she stops me...

"Please Theresa, go to New York and forget about that troubled boy he's no good for you, please whatever you do, don't contact him."
I knew she couldn't help herself from saying something about him.

"I know mother" I say then continue to reverse.

with one last look in my rear view mirror I look at my mother standing in the driveway waving.

Oh god. What am I thinking? Can I really do this? I made this decision on my own and even though I still feel this missing part in my heart that is him, I know I can't and won't ever have him. Not anymore. So for now at this moment I am going to blast my music to drown out my own thoughts because being alone is the worst that's when my mind wonders and is full of thoughts, thoughts of curly brown hair and green eyes.

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