Part 37

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"Well Hello There, how can we help you on this fine morning" My Bestfriend Nora says full of humour as she opens the door for us.

"Morning, I'm sorry for the early visit. I just really needed to get out of the house" I quickly mumble as Emery and I walk in

"Everything okay?" She raises an eyebrow at me

"Yeah, fine. Zed and I just had a fight, do you mind if we stay here for a few days" I ask as Landon walks into the foyer smiling widely at us.

"You already know you're welcome to stay here, you never have to ask" She reaches over and squeezes my hand for comfort "Tessa is staying with us for a few days, I'm making breakfast I'll set you two a place at the table" she turns and walks toward the kitchen at the end of the foyer

I really didn't want her to leave me alone because now I'm stuck alone with Landon and now all I want to do is cry in my best friends arms.

"What's wrong?" Landon questions as he wraps his arms around me for a hello hug.

"Oh Zed and I just need space for a couple of days" I don't want to tell them that Zed cheated on me and is having a baby with someone else because truthfully I haven't decided if I'm actually going to leave Zed, and if I end up forgiving him and staying I don't want them to hate him.

"Does this have to do with Hardin?" He questions

"Sort of" I lie straight to my best friends face

"Alright then, you can tell me when there's no little ears around" he smiles at Emery "how's my favourite little niece" he beams then picks her up to give her a hug.

I walk up the stairs toward the spare room that I usually stay in if I stay over after a night out with My best friends. I pop my bags down and pull out my phone, i ignore the messages from Zed and text Kimberly that we won't make dinner tonight, we usually do a family dinner night once a week on Sunday. But I don't want to go tonight, she knows me and when things are bothering me.


Landon and Nora took Emery out for a few hours, they spoil her so much so I know she'll return with a sugar high.

I chose to fill that time with reading a book so it'll take my mind off all of this.

My phone starts vibrating and it's Hardin calling via FaceTime. I ignore it because I don't want to see his face at the moment. when the call ends I ring it back normally. He answers straight away.

"Hi Hardin, Emery's out with Landon and Nora. I'll get her to FaceTime you once they're back okay." Spitting it out as fast as possible

"Okay, ahhh are you okay Tess? You sound off"

"I'm fine, Emery will call once she's home" I hang up on him

Last thing I need is him knowing my relationship problems.

Once Emery was back she called Hardin and they were on FaceTime for two hours mainly her showing him her dolls that she keeps at Nora and Landon's house for when she has sleep overs.

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