Part 53.

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"Morning baby" Hardin says kissing me on the side of my head

"Morning" I smile back flipping over Emery's blueberry pancakes

"Does Emery really have to start first grade today? I mean, can't it wait until she's seven? I don't want to look like a complete nutcase when I narrow my eyes at the boys who look at her" he says popping a bit of his pancake in his mouth

"Seriously! you're a nutcase, and yes she's gonna be fine she's six years old and if anything she's got your personality so she'll be part of the popular kids" I joke

"You've got that right babe. Emery honey! Breakfast time!" Hardin yells out to her

Hearing little thumps on the ground lets me know she's skipping down the hallway

"Yummy, thanks mommy" Emery says settling herself on to one of our bar stools next to Hardin

"You're welcome darling, are you ready for first grade?" I ask excitedly

"Yes, but I'm scared mommy what if I don't make any friends because they don't like me"

"You don't have to worry about that honey because your daddy right here will beat any little fuckers that try hurt you" Hardin says seriously

I spin around so fast and look at him with furious eyes "HARDIN! YOU CANT SAY THAT"

"Daddy you said a bad word, you can't say fuckers" Emery copy's her dad

I give him a look, a look that says I will kill you if she says that again

"Sorry honey, you can't say that word only daddy can. But you don't have to worry about friends Emery, just be yourself everything will be okay. Mommy and I will be right outside your class at 3pm to pick you up" He kisses her cheek smiling

"Sorry baby, it slipped out" he turns to me apologising

I just shake my head at him not amused

"Time to go!"

Me and Hardin gather Emery's backpack with all her things inside already packed from the night before. I put her lunch box inside also with all her favourite snacks, fruits and sandwich... Nutella of course

The three of us jump into our new family Tesla Hardin brought after his latest book signing tour, apparently he met Elon Musk and he decided he just had to have.

Hardin parallels the car on the side of the road near Emery's school

"You're going to have a good day beautiful!" I say to her while I grab her bag and she unbuckles her car seat

"Now Emery listen to daddy, boys are yucky! Stay away from them" Hardin says to her while he grabs her other hand I'm not holding as the three of us walk the half a block to her school

"Don't listen to daddy, he's just being silly" I whisper to her

"Uncle Zed!" Emery yells dropping both our hands running away from us

Hardin stops in his tracks "What the fuck Tessa, why is he here!"

"Calm down Hardin, it's her first day of elementary. He's still a big part of her life."

"You both are mine!" He says claiming us

"Hardin cut it out, he's here for her not me" I walk off towards Zed who's holding his two year old son

I give him a side hug and his son reaches out to me for a hug I take him from Zed's arms and put him on my hip, Zed, Therise and I really good friends now solely for the benefit of Emery. I thought she'd eventually stop asking for him but night after night I heard her crying thinking she did something wrong to make Zed leave us I decided to see if he'd like to start a friendship for her and now she sees him more like an uncle then dad, of course it started a war with Hardin but we only see Zed when important things happen like birthdays, Christmas's and first day of school apparently.

The five of us walk up into the school and sign her in, we walk her to class with big encouraging smiles when she turns back to us nervously

"Have a great day my little love, you're going to do great" i kiss her forehead and watch her go up to her teacher who shows her a table with three other kids on it

We make our way out while I'm still carrying Rico Zeds son in my arms

Hardin didn't say much to me as I handed Rico back to Zed "thanks for coming Zed, have a nice day" Rico reaches for me again but I step back and say "you too little man"

I turn to Hardin who's waiting patiently and we both walk back to the car

"Don't start a fight Hardin, we're old enough to get over this. I'm with you now, Emery is Emery Scott who loves you! Let's have a good day" I turn my face to look out the passengers window but I get stopped when Hardin gently takes my face in one of his hands

"I'm sorry baby, I just get... fuck you know... jealous. I love you I can't lose you both again"

"You won't babe, we're here to stay... want to go home and try for baby number two?" I boldly say to him

"Fuck me, you're so sexy!"

I laugh at him as he eagerly pulls out of our car spot and takes off towards our home.

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