Part 40

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Chapter 40

Sarah's POV 

The scream, that chilling yell of the purest agony and fear. If was the mudblood child but I wasn't allowed to focus upon her. I had to kill now, while the anger still burned deep within my veins. I arched my finger as a wave of what felt like molten lead trickled down my hand and coated my fingers. It was on the inside of course, within my very blood the magic boiled. The man -the traitor- begun to sob at my feet and I had to compose myself momentarily, to stop myself from either laughing or sobbing alongside him. My life was seemingly at crossroads but I could not let that show.  

'Avada Kedava!' I yelled, my finger ejecting a bright ray of green. He didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to his daughter. I averted my eyes as the last of his life left his own. Somewhere behind me, the mudblood howled at her dead father. She was quickly silenced. Nobody spoke as I turned around but all eyes were on me. I felt fear and for the first time in my life, I was nervous. There was a ripping sound inside of me, a pain indescribable by all means. I felt dizzy, like I'd just played a game of Quittitch with only my feet. I had to avoid stumbling as I walked past Death Eaters that were completely in awe. I continued to walk hazily up to my chair where I fell and slumped into my seat.  

'You've made me proud child,' Father told me, nodding in approval. I grunted; it was the only sound that would issue from my exhausted mouth. 

'Can I go back up to my room?' I asked him, 'I'm exhausted for some reason.' I didn't expect him to agree but he did, a sly smile painted upon his face. That unnerved me, how he could smile so evilly. I had stumbled up the stairs and had collapsed upon my bed, groaning under the weight of my own body. I felt drained, totally and utterly empty. At first I'd assumed it was just the effect of casting such a powerful spell without my wand but now... 

'Why did you kill him? Why not me?' A voice resounded from outside my door. I staggered over to it, my head pounding in my ears, and swung it open.  

'Milly. I'd leave if I were you,' I muttered. The brown haired girl looked startled at my words but held down her emotions, much like me. I sighed, resigned, and swung wide my door before crawling back to my bed. It was normally off limits -no one but Draco, Crade and my father were ever allowed within my bedroom- but I let it drop for the pitiful mudblood. She showed surprise at my random act of "niceness", her eyes wide as she took in the black drapes, admiring the antique double bed where I lay at that exact moment.  

'Why won't you answer me?' She asked. I hissed unvoluntarily and she shuddered. 'You're like that snake... The big one that sits next to the master.' A small smile danced across my crimson lips as I realized just how young this girl sounded.  

'You actually WANT to know why it wasn't you?' I asked coldly. She nodded and crossed her arms defiantly. 'Fine. It was stupid, that my Father wanted me to kill you, I didn't agree with him about... You. Yeah, I disagreed with my father over a filthly mudblood like you.' Milly's eyes instantly filled with hurt and I knew I'd hit where it pained her. Exactly where I needed to destroy. The girl thought I cared about her but I couldn't have that. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she looked away from me, burying her face in her hands. Oh shit! I was feeling guilt, actual GUILT for a stupid mudblood! I'd just killed her miserable dad and now had offended her. Damn... What was happening to me? The pain, the ripping burning pain inside my chest had reached it's climax, searing my veins like a poison. My hand was quivering beyond my control, taking my sanity with it. 

'I'm sorry Milly,' I breathed. 'I'll take you back to Hogwarts with me. Promise.' She'd a very pretty smile I'd noticed. I couldn't keep my head off my pillow for any longer. It collapsed, along with the rest of my body, into the black abyss of sleep. Beautiful sleep.


The Dark Lord smiled as he left the ballroom, walking with the elegant grace only he were capable of. I knew that he didn't smile, not without reason anyway. It was forbidden -a taboo even- to spy on one's own master but then again, I wasn't officially a Death Eater yet. Ditching the dress robes and the old mask, I crept behind him, keeping to seperate halls and tracking him purely through his footsteps. I was fearful for Sarah, who'd looked particulary tired after killing Mr Terblance. She'd never shown much wear after magic, and certainly not like that, not in public. He continued to ascend our staircase and I scurried up behind him, careful as to not alert him to my presence. Nagini, I'd noticed only now, wasn't with him. She was back in the ballroom, still besides her masters chair. My guess was that she was guarding the ballroom, making sure nobody escaped. I cursed silently, hoping she hadn't seen me make my timely exit. As I frantically struggled to match his pace, I wiped the remainder of the black paint from my hair. It would've worked easier if I'd used magic to dye it but magic sensors lined the entrance to the ballroom and I really didn't want to draw attention to myself, a boy that shouldn't even be going to the party. Not that it had been much of a party... In fact, everything had seemingly gotten worse after Sarah had left. The other Death Eaters had begun to speak of their fears of her, some even shedding compliments upon her. I'd smiled at that, agreeing.

He was nearing Sarah's room now but that wasn't what I was focused on, rather a pair of light footsteps, racing towards me with undeniable anxiety. The mudblood child ran past me and I nearly cried out in surprise. I grabbed her and held her firmly. 

'Why are you running around?' I asked.  

'I had to talk to her... She says I'm going to Hogwarts with her!' The girl gave me a fleeting smile before slipping out of my grasp and sprinting away... And Sar had officially lost her mind. The Dark Lord was in her room, closing the door firmly behind him. I smiled and tip-toed to the door, resting my ear upon the wood as to check for any silence charms. None were found. I smiled giddily and tuned in to their conversation. I wish I hadn't.


'Father.' I moaned, lifting my head just far enough off the pillow to project sound.  

'Child,' he replied, 'how are you feeling?' I thought around for an answer that described fully the hole that appeared inside me, to tell completely how hollow I felt. 

'Like goblin piss.' I smiled as my Father tutted disaprovingly. 

'Language Sarah. Never mind at the minute. I am rather proud of you still. You successfully harnessed the fear of my Death Eaters and for that you must be congradulated.' He smiled as I snorted. 

'Congradulated? I feel like absolute SHIT father, I'm not in the mood to be told how proficient a murderer I am.' His smile sunk a little as I swore again, a scowl appearing. 

'Netherless, you are strong to have survived the transferance.' I raised an eyebrow with confusion. 

'What transferance?' I asked. coldly now. His smile returned. 

'Yes child, the one must undergo when a Horcrux is first formed for them.'

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