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Kong's outrageous reaction on two simple words had been itched in his mind, it was not because Kong cursed ( because he was meant to do that) but Arthit was concerned about seeing fear dominating those black orbs. He could understand surprise or even disgust while being proposed by same gender that too by a friend, but it wasn't that in this case Kong looked Afraid of something.

In these last four or five months of actually knowing Kongpob Arthit has noted so many things- major of all was that ' Kong didn't wanted to be alone, he forced himself to be alone' . And Arthit didn't know why, it irked him. He wanted Kong to enjoy everything life has to offer. Afterall you live only once.

Kongpob had slowly grown on to him in these last few months , from rivals to roommates to friends to most trusted confidante - their relationship has grown a lot in short span of time.

Arthit decided he would set up Kong with someone sensible enough for a casual date - more of a friendly outing. That would be perfect! It would make Kong slowly ease in to the idea of relationship. Didn't Kong always say he can't afford love - so may be it's about money.

Arthit decided to set him up with someone like him nerdy and down to earth - who loved simple meaningful things rather than all pomp and show. Who could it be? Arthit was brainstorming this great problem when a chalk hit him right between his brows! Ofcourse lady dragon- professor Suda ! Why is he always sleeping or daydreaming in this lecture? And why the fuck it's always about Kongpob!


Arthit and gang sat in canteen for their lunch when his friends cornered him about serving as target board for Suda to practice on

" Who were you daydreaming about ? Want us to write another love letter!!" Bright wiggled his eyebrows.

" I wasn't daydreaming of any girl Ai Saat. I was thinking about Kong. " Arthit replied irritated then he realised he shouldn't have said that

" Ohooooo. !!!! Kong!!! He changed from two legged ape to Kong !!!!!" His friends started to tease him in one voice.

" Shut up idiots. I was thinking about setting up Kong on a date with someone nerdy and simple but also fierce who could hold her own infront of him. She must like astrophysics and stars and quite night on rooftops because Kong's insane on that. Also she should be talkative with a good sense of humor. And one last important thing she shouldn't be clingy, it's a casual date you know. Do you know someone like this ?"

" Yeah will manufacture her soon " Prem snorted.


" Arthit, you can't find someone like that randomly like this. Besides it should be Kong's decision if he wants to date or not. We can't just set him up we will have to think about feelings of the girl involved too. What if she gets serious and Kong does not ?" As always Knot was the voice of reason.

" I just want to show Kong that love isn't expensive. One can date without spending too much too!!!" Once Arthit made up his mind it was impossible to backtrack him.

" Then why don't you date him? You are already glued at hips these days anyway " Bright asked.

" Have you lost your mind Ai Saat ? How can I ? "

" See Arthit, You just want to ease Kongpob in to idea of relationship. you said yourself it's casual outing. You wont be doing anything physical. Kongpob will feel more comfortable with you than some stranger." Prem supplied.

Arthit thought deeply about it ' Knot was right and Prem was right too.' Besides Arthit didn't had any problem about dating Kong. They did half the shit dating involves anyways. Besides it's casual and it would help his friend. Don't they say a friend in need is a friend indeed.

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