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Here's an early chapter for all you lovely peraya hearts.

" Observe then infer" these words got etched in Arthit's mind since P'Mook had spoken them.

Don't they say a person is shaped by their experiences. What experiences did Kong have to be stone cold to everything around him? To made him act like a computer program.

Arthit felt a good way to start understanding Kong was to think over what he knows already about his roomate. So he made a list of things he know about his roommate.

- only language he speaks is sarcasm
- is rude as hell (in normal person's perspective)
- has tongue sharper than a knife
- is a business administration student
- sleeps in department of physics
- knows coding
- helps people ( according to P'Mook)
- wakes up early
- want a lover like binary star
- never backs off from challenges(😁🤣🌶️)

After reading his list Arthit realised that only personal thing he knew about Kongpob is that Kong thinks binary stars are soulmates!

" Observe Kong mission officially starts from today, Su Su na Arthit " Arthit encouraged himself.

Arthit stuck himself to Kongpob for a whole week, trying to go everywhere Kong goes, even following him to Physics department to sleep.

It has been a week but Arthit's mission wasn't much successful.

He had suffered thrice being target of professor Suda's flying marker in class......Well, front row students aren't allowed the luxury of sleeping peacefully in lectures. In Arthit's defence he was awake two consecutive nights....and lost Kongpob halfway both times. Atleast Arthit knows Kong leaves campus by 6AM and returns at 9Am.

Third day was wasted since Arthit had shitload of assignments with extra hours of Sotus. Seniors were not being too kind to him since they heard about his drinking episode. Apparently heartbreak isn't big enough reason to skip Sotus!

By the way returning to the mission. On the fourth day Arthit followed Kongpob to a really posh household where Kong stayed for exact one hour then he followed Kong to another bungalow, same thing happened Kong returned after an hour. This time Arthit was almost discovered by Kongpob.

" I have even turned in to creepy ass stalker. The thinks I do for you Kongpob!!!" Arthit exclaimed heaving sigh after seeing Kong walk in opposite direction.

Arthit even befriended business students to gather info about Kongpob. No one knew a damn thing !

By the end of the week all Arthit got was Kong gives private coaching to kids of wealthy households.
Kong's birthday was in next week.
He is an economics graduate and half of economics department was victim to Kong's razor tongue. Other half was grateful for his helping hand in passing curriculum.

Arthit couldn't find a single friend in the place Kongpob studied for two years. May be Kong says truth when he says he has no friends.

Good thing was they were amenable now. Kong even had dinner with Arthit two days last week. Arthit was now a permanent night resident in physics department with Kong.

( Kong's birthday)

( Kong's birthday)

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