1. New Beginning

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One last breath was what it took for Louis to somehow manage to get the three boxes stacked on top of each other, and in his arms. He blindly stumbled onto the sidewalk and to the stairs, when his foot hit the step and he stumbled forward.

"Woah mate," Louis heard someone say in front of him. "Le'me help you."

Louis' looked up to see a cute boy front of him. He appeared to be about six foot something- and extremely attractive.

"Im Harry, by the way." He smiles, two dimples forming on either side of his mouth. Harry goes to grasp the boxes and nudges Louis' hand, he instantly blushes.

Brushing off the contact Louis asks, "Do you live in the building?"

He really hopes he does, Louis thinks that Harry is incredibly cute and really really hopes he's gay.

"Yeah, I do. What's your number?" He asks, walking into the building and up the stairs.

"378." They walk down the hall for a few seconds and Harry stops infront of a beige door. He reaches out and grabs the door knob, and Louis can't help but notice his long fingers and how soft his hands look.

"The doors locked," he looks over.

Louis repositions the box onto his hip, making sure to acquire some balance so it doesn't fall over. He reaches into his pocket and grabs the key, and goes to unlock the door. He notices Harry smells like brown sugar and vanilla.

Harry walks in first, his tall frame towering the smaller boy. The sun shining through the large window to their left cast a shadow on the white wall. Harry looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Do you need some more help?" He tucked his lip between his teeth. "Im going to either way, so you might as well say yes."

Louis smiled, and Harry thought that these few months won't be so bad after all.

{this is my first larry fanfiction, and i just wanted to leave a few notes regarding the story.

•all chapters are prewritten and shorter in the sake of having more chapters

•please share this story, give me feedback and favorite!

•a follow would be nice ;)

•leave me suggestions below!!

•if you want to make any trailers, videos, or anything the tag will be #atlastfanfic

love you all- natalie💕}

at last (h.s. + l.t.) (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora