Always Waiting for the Next Bad News

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Y/n's POV

"I feel kind of bad for him, you know? Like I want to be there for him, but I can't," Justin shared.

"Dude, what's happening with Clay is gonna be over soon. I mean, person of interest? Seriously? For one, they don't have enough evidence to make Clay a suspect. And two, there's no way in hell Clay murdered Bryce," I declare.

"Right. But what if he did?" Justin quizzed.

"You don't really believe that, do you?" I ask.

Justin shook his head. "No, but I can't help but think that the police are onto him for a reason. I mean, Clay did some fucked up shit."

"Yeah, but he's not a murderer," I insist. "I've gotta catch up with Zach, but I'll talk to you later."


"Hey, Clay," I greet as he joined Zach and I in the lounge. "What's up?"

"I need to ask the two of you about Justin. Specifically you, Zach," Clay clarified.

"Weird. Justin and I were just talking about you earlier, and now you're asking about him," I mention.

Clay frowned. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, Clay," I counter playfully as I popped another pretzel in my mouth. "So what do you want to know?"

"Do you guys think Justin's been using again?" Clay posed.

"W-what?" I stammer. "No. Clay, I know you heard about my addiction, but what you don't know is that he's the one who's been helping me because he knows how hard it is to break away from the drugs. There's no way Justin's been using again."

"Yeah. I agree," Zach concurred. "And if he were, he would've been caught. We were tested." 

"Well, he told me he only used once a few weeks ago," Clay brought up. "Would that have been after you got tested?" 

"Maybe he got lucky and the timing worked out," Zach proposed. "I don't know." 

"Or maybe you knew he was using and you helped him," Clay suggested. 

"No. No way," Zach disagreed. "I won't put up with that shit, okay? We play clean. He's been doing well, Clay. Football's been good for him. You know it has. He's healthy. I mean, that's the whole reason I got him to play last summer." 

"Zach, I don't need a fucking lecture, all right," Justin spoke and bought a can of soda from the vending machine. 

"Dude, that shit will rot your insides," Zach commented. "Have you seen what it does to a penny?" 

"Have you seen what I've done to my insides?" Justin retorted. 

"So, summer school's over. We start two days next week. Perfect timing," Zach said. 

"Except I have no desire to play again," Justin admitted. 

"Justin, they need you, and you need football," I tell him. 

"I'm not letting this go, man," Zach persisted. "Zach Dempsey always gets the yes." 

"Zach Dempsey has gotten the yes once," Justin teased. 

"It's actually been more than once, so fuck off," I laugh and shove Justin away playfully. 

"Mmm, I'm not sure I believe that," Justin ridiculed teasingly.

"No? We could have sex right now in front of you if you'd like," I offer as Zach put his arm around me.

"I think I'll pass. And what are you even doing here, Y/n? Don't you have like perfect grades?" Justin questioned.

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