If You're Breathing, You're a Liar

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n! Hey!" Clay called out and jogged to catch up to me, Ani trailing right behind him. "Can we talk for a moment?"

"Sure," I reply and stop in my tracks. "What's up?"

"The night of Homecoming, did Zach ever tell you who injured him?" Ani questioned.

"Um, I don't think so," I respond. "He just said it was some Hillcrest player."

"Right. Well, maybe you saw the player who hit him?" Clay pushed.

"Sorry, Clay," I apologize. "That night was crazy. All I remember is Zach getting hurt. I'm going to meet up with Zach right now though. If you want you can ask him yourself."

"Okay. Lead the way," Clay murmured. We found Zach in the gym lifting weights, and as soon as he saw me, he smiled.

"Hey," Zach greeted. "I'll be done here in a second and then we can head out."

"All right. Take your time. I don't mind waiting. Also, Clay and Ani wanted to ask you a few things," I add as the two of them walked over. Clay pulled out his phone and showed Zach a photo, and it was clear that Bryce was the one who had tackled him and injured his knee.

"I saw this picture and I thought you should know, you know? Because...I mean, it looks like he did this on purpose," Clay claimed and swiped to another photo. "And in this one, it looks like you're looking at him, but crazy night, I guess, so maybe you didn't see him. But it probably doesn't matter. Your knee's gonna heal, right? No harm done.

"No harm done? I had handwritten letters from three different schools coming into this year. You think they'll wanna recruit me after they hear my knee has two surgeries? No! I'm fucking done," Zach grumbled.

"But you didn't know he did it? Or you didn't tell anyone?" Ani posed. "Why wouldn't you have reported him?"

"I've been fighting with Bryce Walker my whole fucking life. Ever since Pop Warner in the Fifth Grade," Zach explained. "Now that he's gone, more than ever. Monty, Luke, Taylor, all those guys, they're Bryce's boys. They wanted to do things his way. I just wanted to do things better. I didn't want my time at Liberty to be about the clubhouse and girls getting raped, you know? It's just, I knew that we could do better. If any of those guys find out it was Bryce that took me down, that he was the one that took me out for good, then he wins. And I've worked so hard to put Bryce in the past."

"Y/n! Wait up!" Zach shouted and ran to catch up to me.

"Hey, Zach," I return. "What's up?"

"You'll never believe what happened at football practice the other day. The coaches made me Team Captain. I'm the captain of the football team this year," Zach shared. 

"Oh my god Zach! That's huge. I'm so proud of you," I chirp. 

"I couldn't have done it without you, my personal cheerleader," Zach praised and pressed his lips to mine. 

"Isn't that Chloe's job?" I quiz as Zach wrapped his arms around me.

"I guess I've got two cheerleaders then," Zach spoke.

"Wow. Lucky you," I comment. "But I guess this means I have to get you a lucky pendant. Lets see, Chloe already gave you a rabbit's foot, so what about a horseshoe?"

"Sounds perfect," Zach confessed and leaned down to give me another kiss. "I've gotta get to class, but I'll see you later."

"So, you and Zach Dempsey," Ani brought up as she joined me. "I didn't know you two were a thing."

"You did only just start attending this school," I remind her. "And its not like I rub my relationship with him in anyone's face. We like to keep it low key."

"He's hot," Ani agreed. "But he's too hot. I don't trust too hot."

"Well, before we started dating, we were best friends. Still are. That's why I trust him so much. Because I know the real him," I state. "And maybe you should trust too hot every once in a while. You'd be surprised. But if you're not, then at least you had fun."

Ani laughed. "Whatever. I'll talk to you later."

"See you later, Zach," I bid my boyfriend goodbye as the two of us went our separate directions. Usually we'd eat lunch together, but Zach had an important meeting with the football coaches. And as much as I wanted to wait for him, I was starving. I grabbed some food from the lunch line, and it was pizza today, one of my favorites. After getting my food, I went to go sit down at an empty table.

"Did you know Chloe was pregnant?" Clay asked me when he sat down in front of me during lunch.

"Dude!" I hiss. "Quiet down. No one else needs to know about that."

"Right. Sorry. But did you know?" Clay pushed.

"Yeah," I reply. "She told me shortly after she told Zach. We got really close last year, so it wasn't a surprise that I was one of the only people who knew."

"And you knew Zach was helping her out?" Clay implored.

"Of course, and I didn't mind one bit. Chloe and Zach have always been close. Closer than Chloe and I will ever be. So when she needed help, and Zach new how to help her, it was a no brainer for him," I say.

Clay frowned. "I'm sorry? Zach knew how to help her? How?" 

"Zach and I, we uh, we had a similar scare," I disclose. "Obviously, it was nothing. But uh, after that, Zach had the right mindset to offer Chloe some help."

"What if it's positive? What are we supposed to do? We're only in high school," I cry out as Zach and I were sitting on my bathroom floor.

"Hey. Don't worry. We're gonna be okay," Zach assured me. "We'll figure something out. And I want you to know that I'll support whatever decision you make." 

"That's the thing, Zach. I don't want to make this decision alone," I tell him. "This is gonna impact you just as much as it's gonna impact me."

"Y/n, if you don't want to keep it, I understand. I mean, we haven't even graduated high school yet, and I know the both of us want to go to college. But if you do want to keep the baby, I'll be by your side every step of the way. Our parents would most likely kill us, but I wouldn't care about that as long as you and I are happy with the decision we made. You'd be a great mother, you know," Zach pointed out.

"And you'd be a great father," I counter and lean into his shoulder. "I just, I never thought this would happen, you know? So I don't know what to do. What should we do?"

"Lets wait to see what the test says before we make any decisions," Zach decided. The two of us sat on the bathroom floor for another minute, and finally, Zach's phone timer went off. I took a deep breath and grabbed the test from the edge of the sink, brining it down so that I could see the results.

"It's negative," I breathe out. "Thank god."

"Come here," Zach urged and pulled me into his lap, holding me close. I buried my face into the side of his neck as he held me, and for a bit, we just sat with each other, not saying a word. Finally though, Zach spoke up. "This makes me think about the future though. You already know how much I love you, so it's no surprise that I want to marry you in time. But uh, if we get that far, I'd love to start a family with you."

"I'd like that too," I agree and squeeze him tightly.

"I uh, I don't know what to say," Clay stammered.

"You don't have to say anything, Clay. Nothing came of it," I murmur. "But uh, you are the only person I've told, so if you don't mind, I'd like to keep this between us."

"Yeah. Okay," Clay said. "So, did Bryce ever find out?"

"Not to my knowledge, no," I answer.

"What about when she broke up with him?" Clay quizzed. 

"She didn't explain. She just broke up with him. I guess he was pissed, but he left her alone," I explain. "And as much as I'd like to stay and chat, I've got to get to history. See you later, Clay."

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