The Chalk Machine

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Y/n's POV

Driving myself to school today was an effort to remember the place in the photographs. I had the windows rolled down on my Jeep, causing my hair to blow everywhere. I didn't mind. For a moment, I forgot everything that was going on. In my mind right now, Hannah Baker didn't exist. And if she didn't exist, neither did the tapes or this stupid trial. I pulled into the school parking lot, and after parking my car, I headed into school. I met up with Clay by his locker as he was putting some things away.

"I tried to remember that place in the Polaroids, but I still can't. My memory is still fuzzy. Sorry," I apologize.

Clay waved me off. "It's fine. We'll just figure out where it is another way. Want to go grab some breakfast?"

"Yeah. I'm starving," I murmur. In the cafeteria, I grabbed some apple slices and a muffin, and then took a seat across from Clay. "So, do you know who's testifying today?"

"Ryan," Clay replied. "I uh, I'm still confused on why I can't testify though. I mean, I knew Hannah the best out of everyone."

"You should be glad that you don't have to testify. I mean, Sonya, the lawyer for the school, is brutal," I point out. "I'm actually really nervous. I have to speak about what I did in front of all of those people and Hannah's parents. This trial is gonna paint me as a bitch."

"But you're not," Clay reminded me. "Not anymore, anyways. So just be yourself on the stand. The jury and everyone else will see the real you. You should be fine."

"Except Hannah didn't put everything on the tapes, Clay," I bring up. "I did some other things, terrible things, that I wish I could take back." I looked down at my phone, and when I saw the time, I stood up. "I've got to get to first period. Talk to you later, Clay."

School went by quickly, but I stayed for a few hours after to work out. I figured I'd get some running in, so I went out to the track. After jogging for 45 minutes, I was exhausted, and my athletic clothes were drenched in sweat. I threw my other clothes back on, and before I walked to my car, I remembered that Zach and Alex were in the pool doing PT, so I figured I'd stop by and say hello. However, as I neared the pool, a a certain conversation hit my ears.

"So you heard about Justin too?" Zach asked Alex. 

"Yeah. Jess told me when we ditched yesterday. Apparently Clay found him," Alex stated. 

"Wait a second," I interrupt. "Justin is back?"

"Y/n, you weren't supposed to hear that," Zach told me. 

"I've got to go," I mutter and turn around. I was exhausted from running on the track for so long, but somehow, I still managed to sprint all the way to the parking lot. I sped all the way to Clay's house, the obvious place for where Justin would be staying. And when I got there, I put my car into parked, walked up the front steps, and knocked on the door. This time, Clay answered it.

"Hey, Y/n," Clay greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"When were you gonna tell me that Justin's back?" I inquire.

"I uh, I don't know what you're talking about," Clay stammered.

"Cut the bullshit, Clay. Here's here, isn't he?" I quiz and push past him, making my way up the stairs.

"Y/n! Y/n wait!" Clay called out. But I didn't stop. I got to Clay's room and pushed in the door, and when I saw my best friend seated on the couch, tears welled up in my eyes.

"Justin," I utter. Justin glanced up at hearing his name, and when he saw me, he smiled and stood up. I ran over and tackled him in a hug, burying my face into his shoulder. Justin squeezed me tightly, and for a few seconds, neither of us wanted to let go. "God, I was so worried about you. I spent the last five months without hearing a word from you, and then today I find out that basically everyone knew you were back except for me."

"Wait," Clay interjected. "Who knows that Justin is back?" 

"From what I know, Jess, Alex, and Zach," I list off. "But that's not the point. Justin, you're an asshole. How could you just leave?" 

"I'm sorry," Justin apologized. "I stole some money from my mom's boyfriend, and he would've killed me if I stayed, so I left." 

"You could've come to my place. You know my parents would have let you stay," I mention.

"I didn't want to cause you any trouble. And now I'm doing the opposite cause Clay has to deal with me while I'm going through detox," Justin declared.

 "You took drugs? Seriously, Justin? You need to get your shit together," I lecture him. 

"That's what I'm trying to do," Justin claimed. "I want to get clean so that I can testify."

"All right," I murmur and wipe the tears from my eyes. "I better get going. I don't want my parents to worry about me. I'm just so glad that you're okay. I'll try to stop by tomorrow. See you guys later." 

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