Tape 3 Side A

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Y/n's POV

Boys are assholes. Some are assholes all of the time. All are assholes some of the time. It's just how boys are. Well, maybe not all boys. But mostly, boys are assholes.

* I was in the gym stretching because the volleyball team had a big game today. People were slowly arriving to fill the stands, but because it was still early, us girls were warming up. I spread my legs apart and bent down so that I could stretch out my back and hamstrings, and just as I did, I heard a group of boys nearing me. And then suddenly, someone smacked my ass. I bolted upright and quickly turned around to find the culprit. The boys standing behind me were all in my grade, so I knew of them, but wasn't friends with any of them.

"Damn Y/n. You've got a nice ass," Devin commented.

"What the hell was that?" I growl.

"I was just scouting my future options," Devin claimed. "You're definitely number one on my list so far. If you ever want to hit this, you call me, and I'll come right over. Or, we could do it at my house if you want." Devin smiled at me, but instead of smiling back, I scowled and punched him in the nose, kicking him straight in the balls right after. Devin groaned in pain and dropped to the floor, one hand on his nose and the other on his crotch. "You bitch!" 

"Hey!" the volleyball coach interrupted. "What's going on over here?"

"She just punched me," Devin spoke. 

"Y/n, is that true?" the coach asked. 

"Yeah, but-" 

She cut me off before I could say another word. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I don't tolerate violence, and neither does this school. I'm going to have to bench you for this game." 

"You're an asshole," I seethe at Devin. *

But girls, girls can be evil. Courtney Crimsen. What a pretty name, and what a pretty girl. With her perfect family. Coffee together every morning. You're also very nice, Courtney. Everyone says so. You're nice to everyone, all the time. You're one of the most popular girls in school, and you are just so nice, right? Wrong.

"Hey!" Zach yelped as I snagged the bag of chips off his plate. "Those are mine."

"I just want one," I defend. "Calm down."

"Calm down," Zach mocked and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Be glad I love you."

"All right," Jess started and slid into the bench across from the two of us, Marcus following after her. "I don't know what Justin wants to do, but he said he wants to shut Clay down."

"Clay must have listened to his tape," Zach insisted. "I told you guys, he listens to his tape, and then everything changes." 

"No way. He hasn't listened to his tape," Marcus opposed. "He just heard Tyler's." 

"Clay's mom came to see Bolan today," Courtney announced and took a seat next to Marcus. 

"What? Why?" I push. 

"Clay wouldn't tell his mom about the tapes," Jess disagreed. 

"Why not? He wasn't shy about Tyler," Marcus pointed out. 

"That would be so messed up if he told his mom. I'm with Justin now. We need to do something serious," Zach declared. 

"Why, so your mom won't find out?" Jessica quizzed. 

"Yeah, and other people, like maybe your dad," Zach countered.

"What can we do if he's ratted us out already? I'm on track for valedictorian," Marcus murmured. 

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