In High School, Even on a Good Day, It's Hard to Tell Who's On Your Side

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Y/n's POV

Since Zach and I had a little argument yesterday afternoon, I drove myself to school. But as soon as I entered the building, I got the feeling that everyone was watching me. Usually, I didn't care if people stared at me. After the tapes got out, I was one of the many students at the center of Liberty's attention. However, now, it felt different. I kept my head down and made my way to the nearest bathroom, locking myself in the end stall. I dropped my backpack onto the floor, sat down on the toilet, and then stared at the stall door, where something someone had wrote caught my eye. It read:

Y/n L/n is a drug addict.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but the message wasn't there this time. I sighed and left the bathroom since first hour was starting soon and I still needed to stop at my locker. On the way there, I caught sight of Justin and Alex, who both stared at me as I walked past. And at my locker, I saw those same words again.

Y/n L/n is a drug addict.

Ignoring the words, I opened my lockers and traded out some books, and just as I would have closed my locker, I saw the cosmetic pouch sitting on the top shelf. For a second, I hesitated, not wanting to reach up and grab them. However, I didn't want to feel stressed and anxious all day, and knowing the pills would help me relax, I snatched the bottle up and swallowed three pills of oxy. I really hoped the pills would kick in soon, because right now, I felt like shit, and I just needed the high to hit me and make me feel better. Seconds later, Principal Bolan walked over to me. 

"You're needed in the office, Ms. L/n," Bolan alerted me. 

"Can I ask what for?" I question. 

"You'll find out when you get there," Bolan responded and walked off. When I got to the office, I had to wait about 15 minutes, and when the door to the office opened, Tyler walked out. The two of us made eye contact, but we didn't say any words to each other. By the time I had taken my seat, the pills had kicked in, and now I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time. Finally, I was allowed to enter the room, and sitting in a chair inside was someone I hadn't seen in a long time; Mr. Porter. 

"Good morning, Ms. L/n," Mr. Porter greeted. 

"Holy shit," I curse. "Are you real?" 

"Yes," Mr. Porter replied. "Why wouldn't I be?" 

"Well, it's been awhile," I point out. 

"That is has," Mr. Porter agreed and looked down at the file in his hand. "I see you're still ranked number one in your class. Keep that up. But uh, I did hear you got kicked off the volleyball team. I'm sorry about that."

I waved him off. "That's obviously not important. Why the hell would you come back to Liberty?" 

"I just want to ask you some questions, if that's all right," Mr. Porter requested. 

"Depends on the questions. If they pertain to drugs, I can't help you," I confess. 

"Why would I need to ask you about drugs?" Mr. Porter quizzed. 

"I saw Sheriff Diaz this morning, and there are two deputies stationed outside this room. Last time I was at the police station I was questioned about some medication found inside of my locker that could be considered a drug. Sheriff Diaz tried to connect it to the drugs found in Bryce's car, but it obviously didn't go well. I just thought maybe he had asked you to push harder with the questioning," I ramble. "You know, use what you know about me from working at this school to your advantage. And I can tell you right now, it's not gonna work."

Mr. Porter tilted his head. "Ms. L/n, are you drunk or high at the moment?"

"Look, Mr. Porter, you don't work here anymore, so I don't think you're allowed to ask those sort of questions. I also happen to be a very good student and person in general. I hardly drink, I don't smoke, and I definitely don't do drugs. I'm 100% sober," I lie.

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