Smile, Bitches

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Y/n's POV

I stopped at Monet's this morning for a cup of hot chocolate because it was a nice day outside, and I had left my house earlier than usual. Later today the baseball team was playing their first game of the season. I was planning on attending for two reasons. One, I loved baseball. And two, I loved Zach Dempsey. The drive from Monet's to school was short and peaceful. Being at school, however, was not.

People stared at me as I walked down the hallway, and I knew why. By now, everyone had listened to the tapes. They all knew what I had done to Hannah, and they knew about my trial from the blog that was being posted online. I ignored the stares and headed straight for my locker, and when I opened it, a piece of paper fell out. I bent down to pick up the paper, and when I looked at it, I saw that it wasn't a flyer or a letter, but a picture.

The picture showed me at a party with a red solo cup in my hand. I was lying by the pool in a black bikini with Hannah reclining on a chair next to me. On the back of the picture, there were words written in black marker. The words read, "Do you remember this now?" I looked around, but no one in the hallway was looking at me anymore. I crumpled up the paper, tossed it to the bottom of my locker, and then started walking to my first class.

First period went by pretty quickly. When the bell rang, I began packing up my stuff, and I found another picture in my backpack. I glanced at the other students around me, but everyone was packing up their own things, paying no attention to me. This picture was of me and Hannah at the exact same party as the last one. This time, we were smiling at each other. I turned the photo around, and the back read, "How about this?" I tore the picture up and threw it away on my way out of the classroom. These pictures must have been from the party that was mentioned on my tape. I had no memories of it whatsoever, so what had happened at the end of my tape, me telling Hannah to get lost, was all the truth. As much as I tried, the memories of that night were foggy. I remember going to that party, but I don't remember what happened at said party. 

After school, I headed down to the baseball field where people were walking around, ordering food, and talking to the players. I had on Zach's extra jersey, which I had stolen from him when he first got his uniform. Zach didn't seem to mind though, especially when I wore it to support him at school.

"Hey number 31," I greet and jump into Zach's arms. Zach automatically caught me and held me against his chest, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. 

"Hey babe. You look amazing," Zach commented. Zach's jersey was way too big for me, so I had to tie it on the side so it didn't hang halfway down my legs. Today I paired it with my blue skinny jeans and white converse. 

"Thanks. You do too," I return as Zach set me back down on the floor. At that moment, Monty and Bryce walked over, both clad in their Liberty High baseball uniforms. The two of them were having a playful banter, shoving each other away over something stupid, but that all stopped when they say us.

"Look at you two matching. I would say it's cute, but then I'd have to vomit," Monty claimed. 

"Oh shut up Monty. You and I both know Zach and I are the hottest couple at the school," I put forth and side hug Zach. 

"One of," Bryce corrected. "I think Chloe and I beat you."

"I don't think so," I disagree. Just then, a girl with a camera walked over to us. I knew she worked on the Liberty High yearbook, but she wasn't in our grade, so I didn't know her name. 

"Hey guys. Can I get a picture for the yearbook?" the girl asked. 

"Of course," I reply. I took a spot in between Zach and Monty, with Bryce on Monty's other side. We all huddled close together and smiled as the girl snapped the picture. 

"Thanks!" the girl chirped. "I'll make sure to give you all a copy once I get these printed." 

"All right, well, I should go find a seat. Good luck today boys," I tell Monty and Bryce before turning to Zach, planting a quick kiss on his lips. "Good luck, Zach."

"Thanks," Zach said and gave me a quick hug before following Monty and Bryce to the dugout.

Right as I found a good seat, the game started. I watched as Bryce took his spot at the pitcher's mound and Zach squatted down behind home plate. The innings went on with nothing happening except a single point for each team in the first few innings. Zach had a quick conversation with Bryce after he struck out another batter, and it looked like neither of them were happy with each other. After Bryce struck out his second batter in a row, Zach called a time out, taking off his helmet and stalking up to Bryce. I could see them having another argument out on the field. Zach looked pissed and Bryce was just laughing it off. Coach Rick walked onto the field to try and settle things, but it didn't work. Zach threw his helmet and mitt on the floor, and then he stomped off of the field. I stood up to chase after him, but I had to get through all of the people separating me from the walkway of the bleachers. 

"Excuse me. Pardon me," I mutter as I shuffled in front of the people sitting in my way. I finally managed to get down from the bleachers, and I followed after Zach. By the time I got to the shed Zach had entered, he stormed out, not even sparing me a glance. I wanted to chase after him, but I couldn't because I recognized this place from the Polaroids Clay had shown me. Except I couldn't remember ever being in here, which was weird since I felt like I had.

"Zach was giving me the Polaroids," Clay revealed as I stepped inside the shed. "Did you know?" 

"I uh, I-I don't," I stammered, still trying to wrap my head around everything.

"Y/n," Justin spoke and took a step towards me. "Did you know about this place?"

"I'm not sure. My memories are so fuzzy and I can't...." I trailed off. "We'll talk later. I've gotta catch up with Zach. Excuse me." I bid them both a quick goodbye and ran out of the shed, hoping to catch up to Zach. I managed to get to to him just before he could climb into his car.

"Y/n, I don't want to talk to anyone right now," Zach stated. 

"Zach," I say, my voice trembling. Zach turned around to look at me, and that's when the tears started falling from my eyes. I could see all of Zach's anger fade away, suddenly replaced by worry.

"Hey," Zach mumbled pulled me in for a hug. I buried my face into his chest and cried as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. Usually the gesture comforted me, but today, I couldn't seem to calm down. "What's wrong?" 

"Clay showed me one of the Polaroids from the Clubhouse. I saw a girl who was either drunk or drugged up with a guy standing naked over her. When Clay showed me that photo, I remembered being in there, but I can't recall anything that happened. What if I was drugged? What if I was raped, Zach?" 

"You remember.....they told me they wouldn't bring you in there. I made them promise," Zach explained and squeezed me tighter. "Don't worry. We're going to figure this out. I promise." 

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