There Are a Number of Problems with Clay Jensen

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, Jess, hey!" Ani greeted and joined Jess and I, who were walking down the hall together. "Have either of you heard from Justin?"

I frowned. "No. Why?"

"He and Clay are with the police. They found security footage of Clay literally pointing a gun at Bryce and Justin trying to talk him down," Ani explained.

"Shit!" Jess cursed. "Of course that house had a security camera."

"Wait," Ani interrupted. "You knew this happened?"

"Yeah, Justin told me about it," Jess responded.

"Did you know?" Ani asked me.

"Me? No. It seems like I'm always the last to know everything," I mutter.

"Do you guys..." Ani trailed off. "You don't think don't think he could've actually done something, do you?"

Jess shook her head. "No! Well, I don't...I don't know.

"Was he in love with Hannah?" Ani pushed.

"Did he not tell you? About Hannah, the tapes, the trial?" I list off.

"Almost nothing," Ani replied.

"All right. In here," I urge and drag her into the nearest empty classroom, with Jess following behind. In that room, we told Ani everything. Well, everything important, that is.

"So, Clay went after everyone on the tapes? I mean, I knew he could be obsessive, but that's a whole other level," Ani exclaimed.

"And when the trial started, it was like he cared more about Hannah than me or anyone else who was alive. I mean, that's not fair, because I think he knew that I was hurting, but he didn't respect that I wasn't ready to speak about it. I mean, I'm glad I ended up testifying," Jess confessed. "After everything, it made me feel stronger. But after that night, after Bryce, I was constantly afraid. I had to go to school every day and see him. I was just starting to get over that, and Clay...God, he made me feel hunted."

"Same goes for me," I admit and take a seat on top of the nearest desk. "Zach and I actually broke up the day before because of things that came out at his trial. And when I was at court the next morning, it seemed like Clay didn't even care about how I was feeling about that. He just wanted me to focus on Hannah and the trial."

"Whoa whoa whoa," Ani interjected. "You and Zach broke up?"

"It was only for a day. We got back together after my trail. It was just a huge misunderstanding," I tell her.

"Right. Um, do either of you know where Clay went after Homecoming? Did he go home with Justin?" Ani questioned.

"Justin was with me," Jess noted. "But Tony was with Clay at the game. Maybe he knows where he went after."

"You don't think Clay had anything to do with Bryce, do you?" I quiz. "I mean, the trial was months ago. Hannah was a year ago. Why would he?"

Ani sighed. "I don't know. I don't know anything. Look, I've gotta get to class, but if either of you hear anything, let me know."

That afternoon, I found Zach on the football field going over some drills in the playbook while the rest of the guys practiced. He seemed pretty out of it though, but then again, we all were these days.

"Hey. Need a distraction?" I implore.

Zach laughed. "That'd be nice. I can't seem to focus right now. I think I just need a break."

"Well, lucky for you, I can be plenty distracting," I joke and take a seat next to him, wincing as I did so.

"You okay?" Zach asked.

"I fucked up my leg working out the other day, and it's been hurting ever since," I share and begin to dig through my backpack.

"Maybe because you shouldn't be working out so hard with your bad leg," Zach mentioned.

"Zach, my leg is gonna hurt no matter what I do. Hell, it even hurts when I'm stressed or anxious," I point out as I found my pill bottle. "I'm not gonna let it stop me from living my life."

"It's still bad enough that you have to take the oxy? Can't you just take some Advil or something?" Zach suggested.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Nothing else works," I disclose.

"Really? Or are you just not willing to let go of the stuff you've got?" Zach posed.

I scoffed and stood up. "Seriously, Zach? You're gonna grill me right now?"

"I'm not grilling you. I'm just trying to look out for you," Zach defended.

"Last I checked, I could look after myself," I retort.

"Y/n," Zach started.

"No, Zach. Just forget it," I mumble and shoulder my backpack. "I'll talk to you later."


"Y/n! Wait up!" Ani shouted and ran to catch up with me.

"Hey, Ani," I say and give her a small smile. "What's up?"

"You ever hear from Justin?" Ani pushed.

"Uh, yeah," I reply. "He said the police are seriously looking into Clay for Bryce's murder. That's all I know."

Ani let out a breath. "Right. Um, what about you? Where were you after Homecoming?"

"Really, Ani? I've been nothing short of forth coming with you," I remind her. "I've told you everything you've wanted to know, and now you're gonna ask me where I was after Homecoming?"

"I've gotta check off all the boxes," Ani claimed. "I'm not doing it because I suspect you or anything but-"

I cut Ani off. "Right. Like you didn't suspect Alex or Zach or Jess or Justin. If you'd really like to know, I was with Zach all night. I followed the ambulance to the hospital, drove him home after, and stayed with him the whole night. Happy?"

"Y/n wait!" Ani called out as I stormed off.

"I've got to get home," I seethe without sparing her a second glance.

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