Two Girls Kissing

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n!" my mother shouted from downstairs. "Zach's here!"

"Coming!" I yell back and grab my backpack from where it was hanging on the back of my desk chair. I then ran down the stairs, gave my mother a quick kiss on the cheek, and opened the front door to reveal my boyfriend. "Morning, Zach."

"Good morning," Zach returned and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. "You ready to get going?"

"Yeah," I reply. "We going to get Alex today?"

"Mm-hmm," Zach hummed as I shut the door behind me. "Do you mind riding in the back?"

I shook my head. "Not at all." After getting Alex, Zach drove us to school and parked in one of the closer spots to the school so that Alex didn't have to walk so far. I climbed out of the back seat, and Zach held onto Alex's backpack before helping him get out of the car.

"Such a gentleman," Alex joked. "You've got yourself a keeper, Y/n. But this doesn't mean that I'm going to put out or anything." 

"That's okay, but not even a handy?" Zach asked. 

"My hand doesn't really work," Alex reminded him. 

"It's cool. That's my job anyways," I say and lace my hand with Zach's. 

Alex gagged. "You guys are cute, but please stop talking about your sex lives. I know way too much already." 

"What? You don't want to hear that we've had sex after pretty much every party this school year? Or the fact that Zach loves it when I-"

"Nope," Alex interrupted. "Please stop. I'm begging you."

"Hey, let's take the side entrance today," Zach proposed when he saw Bryce standing at the entrance to the school. 

"But it's way further," Alex complained. "I get tired walking that much." 

"I can carry you," Zach suggested. "Come on." 

"Dude, you're not carrying me," Alex opposed. "The whole reason I called you was to avoid another scene. Getting picked up by my dad in the cop car was embarrassing enough." 


"Question for you," Alex spoke and appeared next to me at my locker. "Can you help me with something?"

"Uh, as long as it doesn't involve anything sexual or something I'm uncomfortable with, sure. What's up?" I inquire.

"I need you to help me get the tapes from Clay," Alex requested. "He won't let me hear them."

"Sorry, Alex," I apologize and shut my locker. "But I kind of agree with him."

Alex frowned. "What? Why?"

"Because shouldn't have to go through that again," I respond. "I mean, it was hard enough for me the first time. And the second time I listened, all I could do was analyze everything. It won't be good for you." Just then, I looked up and saw Bryce and Zach walking down the hallway together. What was that all about? "Um, I've gotta go. I'll catch up with you later. And don't you dare ask anyone else for help getting those tapes."

"Yeah yeah," Alex muttered as I chased after Zach. I made my way through a crowd of people to catch up to Zach, who was faster than me since he could take bigger steps. Finally though, I caught up to him.

"Hey," I breathe out. "I just saw you talking to Bryce. Everything okay?"

"Yeah. He was just letting me borrow his lawyer for court. There's nothing for you to worry about," Zach assured me and pecked my cheek. "I'll see you later." 


"How are my two favorite boys?" I quiz and take off my shoes and socks before dipping my feet into the pool. 

"Great. We made some progress today," Zach announced. 

"Some? I think you mean none," Alex corrected. 

"Oh come on. Don't be a Debbie Downer," I lecture. "You got out here and did all of this work. I call that improvement."

"Yeah. And your balance has definitely improved since last week," Zach disclosed.

"Anyways, I swung by to tell you that I don't need a ride home today. Since volleyball season is over, these muscles are slacking, and I want to get some exercise in," I claim.

"You look fine. Stop worrying," Alex said.

"Hey. Can you get us some towels?" Zach implored. I nodded and stood up, grabbing some of the towels that were off to the side of the pool. When I walked back to the water, Zach climbed halfway out of the pool, but instead of getting out, he slapped the towels to the ground, and then he pulled me into the pool. My body hit the cold water with a splash, and while the water felt nice, it was also making me shiver. For a few seconds, I was submerged, but it wasn't long before I resurfaced.

"You jerk," I grumble as Zach got back into the water. 

"Don't be mad at me," Zach pleaded and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me against him.

"I'm not mad at you Zach, but now I have to walk home soaking wet," I exclaim.

"Sorry," Zach murmured. "I may know a way to make it up to you though." With that, Zach attached his lips to mine, our lips moving in sync within a second. Zach's hands pressed against the small of back, making me arch against him, and I could feel Zach smile against my lips.

"Uh, guys. I'm still here," Alex interjected.

I laughed. "Right. Sorry about that. I should really get going. You guys have fun." After climbing out of the pool and drying myself off as much as I could, I pulled my shoes and socks back on before beginning my walk home. As I walked home, my mind wandered, and I started thinking a lot about the trial. My day to testify would be here in the blink of an eye, and I didn't know if I was ready for it. Just then, a car pulled up next to me, and inside of it was Bryce.

"Hey, Y/n," Bryce greeted. "You want a ride home?" 

"Uh, I'm good," I tell him. "But thank you for offering."

"Come on," Bryce urged. "You're soaking wet, and it's a bit chilly out. Let me give you a ride." 

"I said no. Fuck off, Bryce," I spit out. 

"What's your problem, L/n? Did someone shove a stick up your ass?" 

"Yeah, and that stick has a name. Bryce Walker," I retort. 

"All right, what's wrong?" Bryce pushed. "I can tell something is upsetting you, so spill it." 

I sighed. "It's nothing, okay? I'm just worried about my court date. My parents are avoiding that topic like the plague, so I haven't really talked to anyone about it." 

"You can talk to me, if you'd like," Bryce put forth. "I'm free whenever." 

"Right. Thanks, Bryce," I mumble. 

"No problem. Now, get in my fucking car," Bryce ordered. "I'm not going to let you freeze out here."

"Fine," I exhale. "But I don't want to hear any of that shitty music you always listen to."

"Deal," Bryce agreed. "Just get in here."

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