Bully or Victim?

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Y/n's  POV

"Y/n, your eyes are red and puffy again," Clay alerted me once we entered the courthouse.

"I'm sorry," I sniffle and wipe at my eyes to dry up any tears that could be remaining. "I can't really help it."

"Yeah. I uh, I heard about you and Zach. Sorry," Clay apologized.

"Y/n," Dennis greeted and gave me a hug. "I'm glad you're here. Have you been crying?" 

"Oh, um, I'm so sorry. The jury will probably think I'm too emotional now, and they won't take anything I say into account," I say. 

Dennis waved me off. "No, it's fine. I just need you to play it differently. Act like you're upset about what happened to Hannah. Now, I want you to know that chances are the prosecution will bring up you and Zach's relationship. I need you to be ready for that."

"I will be," I confirm. "Lets uh, lets get in there." In the courtroom, people were taking seats in the pews, and the lawyers were getting situated at their separate tables. Once it was time for the trial to start, I was called up to the stand and sworn in. After that, the questions started.

Dennis: Ms. L/n, we've heard from other students that the girls at your school are not treated fairly and are possibly being sexually harassed. Is this true in your opinion?

Y/n: Yes.

Dennis: Could you expand on that? More importantly, can you tell us if you've ever been the subject of the harassment?

Y/n: Sure. Uh, yes, I have been harassed at Liberty High. The jocks, well, the ones I wasn't friends with, they would come to my volleyball games and make inappropriate jokes about not just me, but some of the other players as well. One time, one of the guys even slapped my ass, and then told me that he'd love to, and I quote, 'hit that', meaning he wanted to have sex with me. And when I reacted to that, my coach benched me for the entire game.

Dennis: So she sided with the jocks over you, her own player?

Y/n: Yeah. She didn't even want to hear my side of the story. As soon as she was told that I'd punched a jock, she had already made up her mind about a punishment. Sure, I could've gone about things a different way, but that's not the point. 

Dennis: Did a teacher ever intercept the bullying going around your school?

Y/n: Not unless it was a physical fight between two people. Emotional and sexual bullying were not stopped. The teachers don't do anything about that. They all say they do, but it's a lie. And if they had done something, maybe Hannah would still be here.

Dennis: No further questions Your Honor.

At that moment, I drew my eyes away from Dennis and looked up to scan the courtroom. And at that moment, in those few seconds, my eyes locked with Zach's, who was standing at the back of the courtroom. For a second, I became unfocused, so I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.

Sonya: Ms. L/n, are you okay?

Y/n: Um, sorry. Yeah. I'm okay.

Sonya: All right, then lets get on with this. Is it true, Ms. L/n, that you just broke up with your boyfriend after yesterday's trial?

Dennis: Objection! Relevance.

Sonya: If the witness if emotionally unstable, then she cannot be trusted Your Honor.

Judge: Objection denied. Continue Sonya.

Sonya: So, is it true that you just broke up with your boyfriend, Zach Dempsey?

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