The Drunk Slut

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Y/n's POV

I drove to school early today so that I could get some studying in for a math test, but for some reason, I found myself walking towards the baseball field instead of my math classroom. And there, I found Zach doing some running drills, and he was wearing his baseball cleats, some blue athletic shorts, and his Liberty High baseball cap. The one thing he wasn't wearing was a shirt, and I could see sweat gathering on his chest. Zach was so focused on his drills that he didn't notice me until I was standing a few feet away from him, leaning up against the fence behind home plate. 

"Hey, Y/n," Zach breathed out. "How long have you been standing there?" 

"Long enough to get really turned on," I answer. "What are you doing here so early?" 

"Just practicing running bases. You?" Zach questioned. 

"Well, I was supposed to be studying for my  math test today, but you kind of distracted me." I share. 

"Sorry," Zach apologized. 

I waved him off. "Don't be. I'd prefer to watch you work out shirtless over studying for a test any day. But I really do need to get some studying in, so I'll see you later." After I got some studying in, I met up with Alex and Jess in the cafeteria. I took a seat next to Jess and began to eat my apple, and that's when I remembered something. "Holy shit! Jess, why didn't you remind me that you're going to court today?"

"It's not that big of a deal," Jess muttered and pushed her hair out of her face.

"It is a big deal," I argue. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm pretty shaken up, honestly," Jess replied. "Someone's been messing with us."

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Someone hung a dummy in front of her house the other day. And I just got this in the mail," Alex said and passed me a sheet of paper. When I unfolded it, I saw that it was a target for shooting practice, and on it the words "Better Luck Next Time" were written in big red letters.

"What the hell?" I mumble as I stared at the target. Just then, Clay walked over and took a seat, and I noticed his face was all scratched up. "What happened to you?"

"Someone tried to run me off the road last night," Clay responded. "It looked like they were driving a black Range Rover."

"That's Bryce's car," I identify. "But you're not testifying, so why would he go after you?"

"I don't know," Clay confessed.

"What if it's Zach?" Alex proposed.

"What? Alex, that's crazy. He's been helping you with literally everything. He gives you rides to school and he helps you with your PT," I bring up.

"Then why is he still hanging around Bryce?" Alex implored.

"Screw you, Alex!" I exclaim and stand up. "He's not doing it because he wants to. He has to play baseball with him, and it'd be better if Bryce wasn't suspicious of what's going on."

"Y/n wait," Jess started.

"I've got to get to class. I'll see you in court later, Jess," I tell my friend before walking off. Later that day, I showed up at the courthouse at the same time as Clay, Alex, and Tony. Obviously, Tony had driven them there since I saw his bright red mustang parked in the front. I met up with them at the steps, and we walked up the rest of them together.

"Can you even be here since you're on the witness list?" Clay asked.

"That's just a general rule. Usually the court doesn't mind as long as you're not being disrupted," I reveal. A few minutes after we took our seats, the trial started. I gave Jessica an encouraging smile from where I was sitting, and she returned it, but I could tell she was still nervous.

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