The Third Polaroid

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Y/n's POV

"Why are you guys leading me this way?" Alex asked. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I lie. "We're just walking."

"Something's up," Alex insisted as we turned down another hallway. "Why is Zach waiting for us? And why is he smiling like that?"

"Wait a minute. Is it your birthday?" Zach joked as we reached him. That's when Alex looked down the next hallway, and he saw our surprise. We had gotten Alex a birthday banner and hung it up for him to see.

Alex smiled. "What? You guys made a banner?"

"It was a group project. I designed it, Clay ordered it, and Y/n and Zach hung it up," Jess shared.

"That's really nice of you guys. Thanks," Alex said.

"Aw," Bryce cooed. "Happy birthday! Ooh. Sweet banner." 

"Is your mom bringing cupcakes? Hopefully she brings enough for the whole class. Maybe she'll get you a new cane too," Scott suggested. 

"And some new friends," Bryce added and walked off with Scott. 

"Fuck you, you fucking rapist!" Alex shouted after them. 

"Dude, shit like that doesn't do anybody any good," Zach reminded Alex. 

"Yeah? Well, it felt good to me," Alex confessed. "Maybe if you'd stop defending him all the time..." 

"When have I ever defended him?" Zach questioned. 

"Every day. Every day you hang around him and play baseball with him, you choose his side," Alex stated. "Jess, tell him." 

"Why would you do that?" Jess quizzed.

Alex's face fell. "Shit. I'm so sorry, Jess." Jess just shook her head and walked off, leaving Alex, Zach, and I in the hallway. Zach then scoffed and left, which meant it was just Alex and I. "I-I didn't mean for any of that to happen."

"I know," I confirm. "But you should really stop telling Zach that he's defending Bryce because he's not. He loves playing baseball, and if that means playing with Bryce, he doesn't care. I'll uh, I'll see you later."


Pep rallies were a big thing at Liberty High. They did it before the start of each sports season. This time, it was for the baseball team. The guys entered the gym decked out in their uniforms, and they performed this really cute dance with pom poms alongside the cheerleaders. I took my phone out and captured a picture and a video of Zach, both of which I saved. When the dance was over, the baseball team took a seat in the front row of bleachers, and Zach sat down right in front of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my chin on his shoulder so that my mouth was right next to his ear.

"That was adorable," I chirp and kiss his cheek. "The pictures and videos I got were pure gold. Deleting them will definitely come with a price." 

Zach laughed and tilted his head back so we could lock eyes. "You're something else, did you know that?"

"Shut up. You love me," I counter and peck his lips. Once the pep rally was over, I stayed back with the rest of the baseball team and a few others to watch as Jeff's memorial frame was hung up. Inside was a photo of Jeff up to bat and the front and back sides of his jersey. Later that night, Alex had his party, and by the time I got there, it looked like everyone else had already arrived. "Sorry I'm late. My mom needed a ride home from the hospital since her car is in the shop."

Mrs. Standall waved me off. "That's okay. Please, sit. It's so nice to see you again. How are you? How's your mom?"

"Good. We're both good," I answer. "She actually wanted me to remind you that the next shift you guys work together she's gonna bring the recipe for her snickerdoodle cookies."

"I've been wanting to try and make those myself since your mother brought them for everyone at the beginning of the year," Mrs. Standall admitted. After eating, we all spread out to play games, and the first thing Zach and I was play air hockey. As good as an athlete as Zach was, he could not play the easy table top game for his life, so I won. Zach then moved on and played a basketball game, and when he won, he presented be with a stuffed bear.

"You're so sweet," I gush. "Thanks, Zach." A bit later, Zach got a call from his mom who needed him to watch his little sister May, and since I had some homework to finish up, and I wanted to spend some time with my mom, I figured I'd excuse myself as well. "I should get going too. Mom's expecting me home so we can spend some time together. Thanks for the invite, Alex. Happy Birthday."

"You want to come babysit May with me?" Zach asked.

"I can't. I've got a movie night planned with my mom that I do not want to miss. We're watching The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles tonight, and we're making sundaes," I chirp.

"Right. Well, before you go, I think I may have found a way to get you to delete those pictures. Climb in," Zach urged and opened the back door of his car. I got into the back seat, and Zach climbed in after me, shutting the door behind him. Immediately, he pushed me down so that my back was touching the seat, and then he situated himself over me and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled against his mouth, cupping his face with my hands to bring him closer. When we pulled away from each other, Zach was grinning as well. "Was that enough to get you to delete the picture?" 

"A bit more making out couldn't hurt," I tell him. Zach didn't hesitate and leaned in again. This time though, while we kissed, he ran his hands up and down my sides, making me giggle. "Zach! That tickles!" 

"What? I'm sorry. I can't hear you," Zach claimed and continued tickling my sides. 

"Zach! Stop! Stop!" I cry out, tears prickling the corners of my eyes as I laughed.

"Why? I love your laugh," Zach shared. 

"There is something we can do instead," I propose and sit up so that my back was leaning against the door. I pulled Zach closer and kissed his passionately, and Zach melted into the kiss so much, he didn't realize that my hand was reaching for the door handle behind me. As soon as I grasped the handle, I opened the door, quickly got out from under Zach, and escaped the containment of the car. "I should really get going now." 

"Hey!" Zach shouted. "What about the picture?" 

"I think I'm gonna keep it. Goodnight Dempsey!" I call out before climbing into my car.

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