Season Three; Yeah. I'm the New Girl

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up, my vision was fuzzy. I could only see colors at first, which meant I could tell I was in a white room. After I blinked a few times, my vision slowly came back, and I took in all of my surroundings. I was in a hospital room, and my leg had a thick white cast on it with only my toes poking out.

"Y/n? Can you hear me? Y/n," my mother repeated. That's when I realized my parents were sitting on the left side of my bed. 

"Mom? Dad? What happened?" I ask groggily. 

"You came in with a bullet wound to your leg. The bullet hit your femur so hard that it broke it upon impact. The doctors, they put a metal rod in your leg to help your bone heal," my father explained as my mother wiped at her eyes. It was then that I noticed both of their eyes were red and puffy, and there were two empty tissue boxes on my bedside table. They had been crying. And by the looks of it, they had been crying quite a lot.

"Where's Zach?" I quiz.

"He's in the cafeteria," my mother replied. "He's been here for the past two days while you were unconscious. If it wasn't for him, we would've lost you." 

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"The bullet that hit you, it just grazed your femoral artery. That's why you were bleeding so much. If Zach didn't apply that tourniquet..." my father trailed off, not needing to finish his sentence. It was obvious. If Zach hadn't applied that tourniquet, I'd be dead.

"I need to talk to Zach. I need to see him," I insist. 

"We'll go get him for you," my mother said. My mom then kissed my forehead and my dad squeezed my hand softly before they left the room. 

My memories of the Spring Fling were a little fuzzy, but it only took seconds for me to remember what happened. I walked out of the gym to find Clay, and Tyler was there holding a gun. Once the bullet from his gun hit my thigh, I fell to the floor, and then Zach appeared and put a tourniquet around my leg. I remember Zach holding me and telling me that I was going to be okay, and I remember telling Zach that I loved him. The last thing I heard were sirens, and that's when I passed out. At that moment, the door to my hospital room creaked open, and Zach walked inside, taking the seat next to my bed. Our hands gravitated together, and Zach pressed his lips to my knuckles.

"How are you feeling?" Zach implored. 

"I've had better days," I answer. "Um, my parents, they uh, they told me you saved my life." 

Zach waved me off. "No. It was all the paramedics. I only put on the tourniquet." 

"That tourniquet is what saved my life," I tell him as tears gathered in my eyes. "If it wasn't for you, I would be dead. I thought I was dead."  

"Hey," Zach murmured and reached up to brush a few tears off of my face. "I would never let you die. You're my whole fucking world. I could never live without you." Just then, my mother and father appeared at the entrance of my room, and with them was Deputy Standall. 

"Y/n, Deputy Standall would like a few words with you," my mother shared. 

"Zach, if you could just give us a moment," Deputy Standall spoke. 

"He can stay. Whatever you have to ask or say, you can say it in front of him," I state. 

Deputy Standall nodded and pulled out a pocket sized notebook. "Okay, so, can you tell us what happened the night of Spring Fling?"

"Right. Um, I remember that Zach and I were having a great time with our friends," I start. "It was nice getting to be normal for once. After Hannah's tapes and the trials, we deserved it. All of us. After dancing for a bit, I got hot, so I told Zach I was going to go get some air."

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