Chapter eighteen- New school

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Authors note- 

Like I said I am going to make the chapters shorter, I will be able to update you guys more often and I can still be able to write my other story, that I am wiriting. So I will get into to the story now. PLEASE vote I will be happy if you do, because it will show you like my book and it will make me want to continue this story on. Lets try to get 10+ votes and at least 5 comments.


Jai POV~

I have been talking to Pandora for a little bit, I did tell her I was okay with continuing with the questions we had started a while ago. We had just finished it and I found a few things about her that is interesting and obviously she found out a little more about me. I found out that she likes the breed pomskys and would like to have one when she is older, she is starting school tomorrow at Penola vatholic collage (which is going to be interesting as I also go there), she has a brother called Blaze, she enjoys to draw and make youtube videos, she had to move from England as her dad got a job pomotion. Also I found out she is born three days after me, which is the 6th May so she is a little younger than me, she has a life long goal to meet the people she loves like 5sos, the janoskians, black veil brides and more. Never fallen in love unless food counts, and a lot more. Well I knew a bit about her already as of her youtube channel, I watch her and Summer; but most of what she told me I hadnt actually known until now.

And of course she had to learn more about me, I was honest completely and told her everything she asked me.

Pandora POV~

Me and Jai have gotten really close since we played that game, I feel like I can trust him and to be honest it is hard for me to trust people as of all the bullying and abuse I had and still get. I don't understand why poeple bully, I mean all they get is a kick out of being superior for the time they are the bully; but if they knew what it was like they wouldn't know how to cope with the stuggles of depression anxiety and self destruction. It is the devil itself when you go to that stage I haven't done it in a while because I had my friends to help me through it all... also I met someone who actually cares about me...Jai. I feel like we can rekate to each other. Since we was talking about the questions and we both answered them honestly, we had no reason to lie so to every question he told me his answers. They were:

1) His name is Jai which we already established.

2) That he is 16 years old born May 3rd.

3) I found out that Jai enjoys to film videos, sing and draw, he says that drawing is an escape to him and he is proud that he has that or he wouldn't be who he is now. He even addmitted that the last time he lasped was today, as he was really down and thought things he shouldn't have done, and he had no paper near him at the time.

4) He is from Australia which iis amazing! (oh my gosh what if we get to meet.)

5) He has two brothers and that is it.

6) The way in which he acts towards society is by living everyday as it comes and not letting people dampen his mood anymore.

7) He would stop all bullying in the world and make the person who was bullied smile and give them a cuddle and support them for their decisions they made. Also he would stop self destruction.

8) The oldest in his family is boy called bew (he said that is his nickname and he says it to tease him). 

9) He studies food tech and all complusory subjects.

10) Favourite colour is grey.

11) Favourite food is stir fry.

12) No, never fallen in love.

13) Favourite movie is mean girls. 

14) Leaving school and getting arressted.

15) To be able to travel the world with my group and people he loves.

16) To be able to meet a youtuber from England with her friend.

17) 5SOS, they may not be super famous; but they are.

18) 5SOS.

19) Seeing people happy and smiley.

20) To be able to fly across the world and help people.

21) To go to England and also Paris.

After he told me all of my questions I had asked and I returned the replies to his, I looked at the time and then I decided that I was going to go to sleep, as it was coming up to midnight. I started to type that I was going to go to sleep, by hovering my fingers over the buttons.

To: Jai

From: Pandora

*Umm it's gettin late now, I am going to go to sleep as I have school in the morning and it wouldn't be good if I left a bad impression now would it? Goodnight Jai sleep well, talk soon.*

I quickly locked my phone and put it on charge next to my bed on my night stand. I turned off the lights and said goodnight to Blaze who was walking across the hallway on the phone (no doubtibly to Summer). I hopped back into the bed and started to drift of into sleep. I really was tired. I had a quick thought before I fully dozed off... maybe I do like Jai.

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