Chapter 50

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Marcel wakes me up and hands me a warm sandwich and a bottle of water. I take them from his hands and yawn.

"Thanks. Did you two already eat?"

"Nope." Matt answers and points to the passenger seat where his own breakfast waits to be eaten.

"Great. Do you need help with that?"

"Yes, please. If you could just open the sandwich for me that would be wonderful."

I open his sandwich and then start nibbling on my own. Marcel is doing the same beside me, and every once in a while Matt cutely asks us to wipe his mouth because he can't eat a sandwich without smearing the sauce all around his mouth, and he can't wipe it himself because he's driving.

After another two hours, we finally get to L.A. Matt drops me off first and Marcel decides to go up with me and help me with my bag.

"That was one hell of a spring break, wasn't it?" Marcel says.

"It was." I smile without knowing what else to say.

The lift slowly moves upwards and I lay my head against the wall, closing my eyes. I can hear Marcel breathing beside me.

"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow." Marcel whispers. My eyes remain closed, but my lips stretch into a smile.

"So you did remember."

"Obviously. Any anniversary involving you, Delilah, is more important than any other anniversary."

"That was pretty cheesy." I grin.

"What's so bad about cheesiness?"

"It doesn't come from the heart."

''Not true! All the compliments I will ever pay you will come from the heart because I love making you smile."

I push myself off the wall and peck his lips.

"Okay, whatever you say. I love you."

The doors of the elevator open and Marcel and I step out in the hallway. I open the door of the apartment, and Marcel drops the bag inside before wrapping his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck as he squeezes me to his chest.

"Bye. I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow."

"Okay, bye."

He kisses my cheek and rushes back to the elevator. I go to my room to unpack, then I grab my laptop and sit down.

My tabs automatically open to my last session and my mood is instantly worsened. Most of the tabs are about the applications to the university in New York, and some of them are about universities in L.A. No matter how hard I try to search, universities in L.A. just don't seem to suit me.

I aimlessly search the internet for information and stuff about being a freshman in college, although my dad will probably tell me everything I need to know. What my dad won't tell me, is how the hell I can deal with losing Alexa and moving away from Marcel. Because that's what I'm most terrified of.

But what if Marcel could come to New York? Because there are plenty of universities like the one he wants to do there as well...

I pick up my ringing phone without noticing who called.


"Hi babes, are you home yet?" Alexa asks.

"Yeah. I got here about an hour ago."

 "Great. Can you please check if I left my Dior sunglasses there? I'm not sure if I lost them or if I left them home."

I roll my eyes and go to her room. First she loses the car, then she loses the sunglasses. Sure enough, they are nowhere in her room.

"They're not here."

"Fuck. Okay. Thanks."

"Did you get the car back?"

"We found it, but we don't have enough money to take it back so I need to talk to my dad about it. We're probably gonne be home tomorrow night."

"Alright. Keep me updated."

"Of course. Bye."

She hangs up before I have any chance to say goodbye and I throw myself in her desk chair. I spin a few times in it, my eyes flying over the walls and the furniture I know so well. I plant my feet in the ground and try to focus on one point so the room stops spinning. Incidentally, my eyes stop on Alexa's iPad, topping her small pile of notebooks and random sheets of paper on the desk.

She has a few notifications that gathered during all the time she was gone. Curiosity builds up inside me, burns hotter and hotter as I realize... she's in a different city.

Alexa is very private, and that bothers me deeply sometimes. As her best friend, I should know everything about her and she should know everything about me. The only problem is, I probably don't know half the things going on in her mind and in her life.

I grab her iPad and type in the PIN I thankfully know. Her apps are mostly games and other useless things, but there's also her facebook messenger, which contains some of the convos she has had with people.

I scroll through her conversation list. Only people I don't know, her family or unimportant people from school. I'm about to give up when I see Louis Tomlinson almost at the end of the list. A sudden flashback hits me and I remember months ago, when Marcel said I didn't mean anything to him after Zayn told him to, and then Alexa arranged for Louis to sleep with me.

It seems like years have passed since then, but it's still as disgusting. They should never have done that. I scroll up to that month's conversation and read through them. There's nothing that stands out in particular, so she must've talked to him face to face, but there's one message where Louis hesitates and says: "Are you sure though? Delilah's a great girl, she doesn't deserve this... and I think she genuinely likes Marcel.". Alexa responds to it with manipulative lies and guarantees.

I exit their conversation and scroll further down, just to see a conversation with Marcel. Well, this should be interesting. I open it but there's only two messages. The first one is Marcel asking if I'm doing okay, and then second is Alexa saying I am and asking why he's asking. Marcel didn't reply to Alexa's question. I check the date and see it was in the winter, when I was suffering because of him.

Somehow, it warms my heart to know that despite his hateful facade, he did care about me.

Before I get too caught up in my own thoughts, I clear my head and go back to my room. I close all the tabs related to universities and open Netflix instead.

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