Chapter 33

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 The morning sun is hidden by the curtains, making it difficult for the sun to get in. I prefer it this way, because there's no point in getting a beautiful morning if you don't have anyone to share it with. I think I fall back asleep because my phone wakes me up again at 11 a.m.

 "Hello?" I try to get up and out of bed, but my eyes won't stay open.

 "Quires comer tacos conmigo?"

 "Matt, don't start speaking Spanish to me when I've only woken up." I mumble and he laughs.

 "Tacos. My mom's making tacos and I want someone to share them with."

 "It's only 11."

 "Yeah, so? Just shut up, come over, and we'll eat the tacos at lunch." his voice is so lively and cheery as always and I just can't say no. I don't even want to say no because, hell, it's tacos we're talking about.

 "Alright, fine. I'll be there in forty minutes."

 "Move your lazy ass and hurry up!"

 And with that, he hangs up, letting me concentrate on my waking up. It takes a while to make my way to the bathroom, and an even longer while to eat my breakfast. The apartment seems so lonely without Alexa here.

 I'm glad Matt called me because if he wouldn't have I would've been here all day doing nothing. Marcel has somewhere to go with his parents today, and I can't hang out with him 24/7 anyway so... I can't see him today. Sad face.

I throw on some clothes, a bit of foundation to spare Matt of my glorious pimples and fly out the door, making sure I locked it twice.

 I drive to Matt's house, entertaining myself by winking at hot guys on the street or in the cars next to me. His mom opens the door when I get there, and when I get upstairs, Matt exists the bathroom with a towel around his waist and rubbing his hair with another one.

 "Oh, Matt, what a beautiful way to greet guests!" I mock him before he notices my presence. He lets the towel drop from his head and laughs.

 "Right. Sorry. I'll go get changed and then you can come in." he grins an apology grin and walks quickly into his big bedroom. I sit against the wall on the floor and wait for him to call me. He does after about forty seconds after I sit down and I groan.

 "Come help me up Matthew." I whine.

 He gives me a hand and doesn't let go until I'm dragged into his bedroom. I sit on his bed and he jumps on it next to me. He leans his head on my lap, and I run my hair through his short hair.

 "You stayed long after we left at the bonfire?" I ask, starting off the conversation.

 "Yeah. I saw you left with Marcel." he doesn't seem very happy about it either. I just shrug.

 "I did. Why are you jealous?" I laugh poking at his cheeks lightly. He rolls his eyes.


 You know that kind of unconvincing tone, that's maybe even ironic? Well Matt just used it, and made me feel so bad about... well I don't know about what exactly, but it just made me feel bad.

 "Matt. I'm not letting you go. You're still my best friend." I take his cheeks between my hands, smiling reassuringly. He stays quiet but instead sits up from my lap. He turns to face me and studies me for a moment; it's not that he makes me uncomfortable, it's just I don't trust my own body enough.

 "There's something about you that's different... I can't put my finger on it. But I have a feeling Marcel drove you straight home last night." he breaks into a smile and then into a fit of laughter. I swat at his arm, embarrassed.

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