Chapter 4

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When I turn around, Marcel is long gone. Shit. I look around helplessly and start to make my way to the exit. Alexa will be fine without me. I step outside, the fresh air sobering me up a bit more. I don't want to leave yet, so I just walk around to search for a place to sit. When I find one, I check my phone to see if I have any new texts or calls. None.

For a second I think about going back in, but I'm sick of loud music, sweaty people and smoke. I look up when a body blocks my view of the street. Standing there, looking a bit worried, is none other than Marcel. I stand up and he takes a step back. I roll my eyes and pull him back closer, wrapping my arms around his neck.

''I need a hug.'' I mumble into his shoulder. He hesitantly wraps his arms around my waist, and he starts swaying me softly from left to right. I yawn and almost fall asleep.

''Do you want to go home?'' he whispers. His voice is so much deeper than a few minutes before. I nod, still leaning into him. He pushes me off of him gently, and takes my hand. Mine is really tiny compared to his. And his are also warm. And soft. I climb in his car, struggling to keep my eyes open, and he climbs in after he buckles my seatbelt. I try to thank him, but my tongue doesn't obey me anymore. I eventually fall asleep leaning against the window.


I don't wake up in my own bed, but on a bed I don't recognize. I'm still in my dress, but I haven't got my shoes on. I see them near the door of the bedroom. I vaguely remember Marcel asking if I wanted to go home, but I never told him my address. So this must be his place. I get out of bed, and exit the bedroom, rubbing my eyes. My make up must be all over the place. I end up in the living room, where I see Marcel sleeping on the couch. His mouth is slightly open and he looks cute.

I decide not to wake him up and head back to the bedroom to get my phone. I text Alexa to tell her I'm okay, and go on a journey to search for the bathroom. After rinsing my mouth and washing my face, I go back to the living room. Marcel is now sat on the couch, rubbing his eyes and sighing slightly. I notice his arms are quite muscular, as he is wearing a t-shirt. He notices me and smiles sleepily.

''Did you sleep well?'' he asks, and his voice is especially husky. I love morning voices on guys. I nod and sit down next to him. I look at him, but he looks away. His hair is a little bit messier than usual, and the fabric of the couch is imprinted on his cheek. He stretches a bit and yawns.


''Yeah?'' he looks at me, his eyes brighter than ever. Not that I've known him for too long.

''I would really like to get to know you Y'know.'' my cheeks flush and so do his.

''Thank you.''

''What are you thanking me for?'' I frown, confused.

''No one ever wants to get to know me.'' he says simply, looking down. I have to use every ounce of control not to reach over and hug him. He sniffs, and a tear slides down his flawless cheek. My heart skips a beat, I did imagine he was sensitive, but I didn't think I would see him cry so soon. This time, I let myself go and scoot closer, wrapping my arms around him.

''Hey... hey. Shh... Marcel, why are you crying?'' I ask, although I kind of already know. He sniffs again and pushes himself out of my embrace, wiping his eyes. He shakes his head.

''Sorry, I just get really emotional.'' I'm still worried though. He looks up at me and smiles, his cheeks tear-stained. He looks so handsome. His green eyes staring into mine, his pink lips curved up in a smile, his dimples popping out. It's the most unexpected times you realize someone's beautifulness, really.

''Really, it's okay.'' he says in reply to my stare. I nod and smile back.

All of a sudden I remember it's wednesday. I shoot up, scaring Marcel, and run around his apartment trying to gather up any of my remaining belongings.

''Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!'' I scream and Marcel frowns, shutting his eyes closed. Note to self: he doesn't like the word fuck.

''Marcel, we have school in 5 minutes!'' I scream again and he jumps out of bed as fast as myself. He looks at me panicked. I notice he's in boxers, and he looks so cute panicked and in his boxers and sleepy. I stop for a second and look at him smiling fondly. He blushes and picks up his trousers from the floor, pulling them up his long legs. He starts shaking his head, obviously upset, and tries to arrange his hair.

''I knew this would happen, I should never had went out on a school night...'' he mumbles and his lip starts to shake. He takes a deep breath and I can see how hard he's trying not to cry. He puts his shoes on, and I look at my own outfit. I would be wearing a dress and very high heels at school. Awesome.

When he's ready, I grab his hand and rush out the door, him stumbling behind me. He pulls my hand back and I turn around.

''We're going to be late, dumbass!'' I shout again. He looks a bit hurt and looks away.

''We can walk, we're close.''

''Okay, fine. You first.'' I push him in front of me and off we go, walking quickly. The silence isn't awkward, but a question is on my mind.

''Where are your parents anyway?'' I ask him.

''They're coming back today, they went away for their anniversary.'' he replies.

 As we step inside the school building, I mouth a 'thank you' to Marcel and rush to my locker, getting weird looks from everyone. So this is what it feels like being the center of attention.

When I get there, Zayn is just leaving Alexa. She spots me and waves.

''Babes!'' She laughs at my outfit and takes out neatly folded jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of converse from her locker. ''Thought you might need these.'' she smiles, handing me the clothes.

''Life saviour!'' I whisper, and rush to the bathroom.

I'm a bit late for my first class, but the teacher nods and lets me take my seat next to my best friend. The teacher starts to talk and I start to dooddle on my notebook.

''Tell me everything.'' Alexa whispers into my ear. I huff and smile. I know exactly what she wants to know so I get straight to the point.

''I'm still a virgin.'' I tell her. Her lips form an 'o'.

''You left with Niall then?'' This is the last thing I would expect her to ask.

''What? No. I was at Marcel's.'' her eyebrows shoot up and she is getting ready to ask another question.

''We'll talk about it later.'' I tell her before she speaks.

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