Chapter 51

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It's 8 p.m. and I'm sat on the couch, my coat by my side, breathing slowly and looking at the blackness of the T.V. screen. Today, I've tidied up the apartment, went grocery shopping and went to the salon for the usual care. Now I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come pick me up so we can go on an old-fashioned date, like the good days where men and women went on actual dates before going to bed. Not that Marcel and I are the best example, of course.

He shows up not long after he said he would, without his car, and a bouquet of roses.

"I thought about flowers, and how I don't think I ever gave you a bouquet. Besides, Valentine's Day this year wasn't our best time so I'm going to make up for it."

"I thought you were taking me out for our anniversary?"

"I am. But I'm also taking you out because next year might be another year of not-our-best-time-Valentine's-Day."


"Shit. Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." he looks at the floor, frowning.

"It's fine." I say, taking the flowers from him. "Thanks for these, they're beautiful."

I quickly put the bouquet in a vase before taking Marcel's arm and leaving. We walk a short distance, to a little intimate pizzeria. Marcel reserved a table there, but I'm sure it would have worked without a reservation. One of the small things he does to make me feel special.

We order a pizza for two and red wine to get drunk with. In the dimly lit space, the candle separating us lights up his eyes just like the moon lights up a dark sky. Before the pizza arrives, he plays with my fingers and makes me laugh without pause. The smile on his face is what makes me able to catch my breath sometimes, because I just melt looking at those lips, that dimple, those teeth.

The pizza comes and like the gentleman he is, he lets me pick the side I want.

"I pick the side you don't want." I say.

After we eat, we drink a few glasses of wine, each one making me feel like the love I have for the boy sitting in front of me is expanding rapidly and taking over me.

"Delilah," Marcel says, after a break of silence "I got you something."

He reaches into the pocket of his blazer and takes out a little box. I smile at him.

"It's not a ring, don't worry." he laughs.

"I didn't think it was. What is it?"

He opens the box, revealing a shimmery paper airplane pendant. He takes it from the box, gets up from his seat and walks behind mine.

"So this pendant, baby, has several significances." he lies the delicate chain on my collarbones and I feel tears gathering. "I have one too, but it's not shimmery." he says, securing it behind my neck. I smile, and the first tear rolls down. Marcel crouches next to my chair, and takes my hand in his.

"It's a paper airplane. Airplanes are bridges between two distances. Paper is thin and weak. Distance can be beaten, Delilah. I don't care if you're in New York and I'm in L.A., I'm not letting you go."

My body is slightly shaking with the mute sobs. Marcel stands up, wipes away my tears and with his hand still on my cheek, kisses me.

"I applied to college today." he finally says and I take a deep breath in order to not cry harder.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me."

He stays quiet after my very neutral response. Finally he takes a big breath and returns to his seat.

"There's one more thing. I wrote you a letter. I want you to open it on the plane to New York."

He hands me the letter, which is the one I had found in his drawer. I don't want to read the message on the envelope again, so I take it and stuff it in my purse.

When the tension dies down a bit and my eyes are no longer swollen, we get up and leave to go home.

"I talked to my dad. He said I have to apply to two different colleges." I tell Marcel.


"I was thinking of applying to one here." I say, and he takes a deep breath and squeezes my hand.

"Wow. That's great."

"Yeah, I guess..."

Marcel doesn't sound excited and I don't either. What a hopeless couple we are.


The next two weeks drag themselves by. On the sixteenth day after our V-day/anniversary/goodbye dinner, I apply to the two colleges I had planned to apply to. As I re-read my documents, Marcel calls.


"Hey, what's up?"

"I got in." he says blankly, and my heart stops shortly enough to not get heart failure.

"Marcel, that's such good news! I'm so proud of you, I really am."

"Thank you... Delilah, I'm sorry." his voice is pained, tired.

"Sorry about what?"

"Not coming to New York with you."

"Leave that now. You got in your dream college! Don't worry about me."

"Okay, I will try."

"Good. I'll talk to you later then?"

"Yes. Talk to you later."

And after he hung up, of course I started crying.

*Ok, so. The next chapter is the final chapter (there's also gonna be an epilogue though)... I can't drag it out bc 1) I'm really not a good writer so I wouldn't know how to keep up the anticipation and 2) I update way too rarely. So yeah, this has been one helluva journey. Where does time go?*

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