Chapter 47

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Marcel pushes my hair from my shoulders and dips down to kiss my neck. Just as his lips move lower, over my collarbone, someone knocks, and then Alexa opens the door. She smirks at us and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"So soon?" she asks, grinning. Marcel lifts his head up and looks at our uninvited guest. I shrug and take a step away from Marcel.

"It is a rotating bed." I point out. 

"Well, you've got three days to enjoy all of this. Unfortunately, the clothes you're wearing are not worthy for this room. So let's go get clothes that are."

"I'm not going to refuse your offer."

"I knew you wouldn't." she laughs. "Marcel, you can take Zayn and do whatever you want to do. Dash, I'll wait for you in the living room." she says and gets out.

"I'm gonna go find Zayn. See you later." Marcel says and pecks my lips before leaving as well.

I put my shoes back on, and tie my hair in a ponytail because it looks so gross. I can't wait to come back and finally shower. The shower looked so good. I need to shower.

But, shopping is always a priority so I gather my courage and delay my shower for a few hours. Marcel and Zayn are just waving and saying goodbye to Alexa when I join her on the couch.

"They're taking the car. I called for the car service to come pick us up." she smiles at me.

Five minutes later a chaffeur in uniform knocks on our door and guides us to the front of the hotel where a black mercedes awaits. Everything here is so fancy, I feel like a potato sack.

We get there in no time, because the mall is very close to our hotel, so I don't get to see much more of Vegas on the way. While inside, Alexa drags me through every possible store. In some of them it only takes a step inside to figure out the clothes are absolutely ugy, and then in others we stay for a lot of time. Whenever I hesitate to buy something, Alexa grabs it from my hands and takes it to the cashier.

While waiting for Alexa to try a few clothes on, my phone rings. I slide the answer button without seeing who it is and I'm surprised when I hear Matt's voice.

"Helloo, Delilah. How's camping going?"

"Actually, it's really funny you called right now. We're not camping anymore, we're in Las Vegas!"


"Yeah. You won't belive where we're staying. The Sky Villa at The Palms." I whisper.

"Holy macaroni! Why didn't you tell me you were here?!"

"Wait so you're in Las Vegas too?"

"Yeah. Let's meet up."

"I don't exactly have time today. Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, okay. I can come at the pool there."

"That would be amazing. Listen, I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, bye hun."

By the time we're back in the car, we can't hold our bags anymore and you could say I bought enough clothes to last me for a month. From work out clothing to cocktail dresses and casino gowns, Alexa's bought me all.

When we get back to our sky villa, followed by a steward carrying all our bags, Marcel is sitting at the bar and Zayn behind it, studying the numerous bottles on display. There are already several empty glasses on the counter and they're laughing pretty loud.

As the steward unloads our new clothes in the living room, Alexa and I throw ourselves on the couch, laughing and breathless. Marcel turns in his seat to look at us and smiles, and Zayn's head's appears from behind Marcel's.

"Hi girls. D'you have fun?" Zayn asks, pouring some drinks.

"Isn't it obvious?" Alexa laughs pointing to the mountain of bags. She gets up and strolls to the bar snatching up a drink from the bar and downing it.

"Give me one. And then I'm going to shower." I say and take one of the glasses. I drink it up and then go take that long-awaited shower.

While the fabulous water pours over me and the amazing-smelling shampoo is cleaned from my hair, Alexa knocks on the shower door.

"Honey, hurry up. There's other people that want to shower!"

"But there are two bathrooms."

"Oh." she says and leaves. Clearly, she's already a bit tipsy.

When I get out of the shower, a towel wrapped around my head and one around my body, they're all still in the living room, not drinking anymore but on the couch.

"I hope we aren't going to party tonight." I tell them.

"Nah. I'm tired as fuck." Zayn says.

"We can still get drunk on our infite bar supply." Alexa suggests.

"That sounds good."

I get dressed up and then join my lovely friends in our lovely living room at our lovely bar. We take the first three shots one after the other, all at the same time. Then, Zayn, dizzy as he is, makes us some cocktails, spilling half the drinks on the floor and bar. Alexa spits it out after the first gulp because it's so disgusting, and takes a bottle of vodka instead to drink from. I take the rest of the tequila, and that's where my lucidity ends.

Everyone is tripping over their own feet, tongue tied, and drunk. as. fuck. I turn up the music and we 'dance' for a while.

"Zayn's asleep! Zayn's asleep!" Alexa shouts, pointing and laughing at her drooling boyfriend sleeping on the floor. "I'm gonna rape him in his sleep!" she says and laughs even louder. She tries to sit down next to him but falls on her knees and then tries to rip his shirt off.

My vision is blurry, crowded by alcohol and tears of laughter. Marcel joins Alexa on the floor and pokes Zayn's ribs continuously. I try to go over to them but trip over the sofa and fall to the ground. I start crying as Alexa and Marcel laugh. I can barely feel the pain with all the alcohol numbing me, but tears keep streaming down my face and won't stop.

"She got a boo-boo!" Alexa says, laughing of course, and crawls to my side. She sloppily wipes the tears from my face and smiles.

"Is it blood?" I desperately ask her.

"No, no blood. I know what you need. You need a bit of pool." she winks, and points to the pool on the balcony. I look that way, and only now notice the astonishing view of Las Vegas at night. Lights, lights that my brain can't untangle.

I scramble to my feet and walk to the pool, taking off my clothes in the process. Trying to enter the pool, I slip on the stairs and fall. Marcel follows me in, and Alexa is dragging a zombie-Zayn after her.

After a while we all agree to skinny dip and Alexa dares us to throw our underwear over the glass window separating us and a deathly fall. Everyone refuses but she throws hers anyway. At one point, I leave them to bring more alcohol, but on the way, I trip and fall, and it all goes black.

*I'm actually jealous at my characters' life lol. Thank you for always being so supportive, I appreciate every vote and comment. Also, don't forget to share :D. I love you all so much. xx*

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