Chapter 37

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Four days later, I stand in the excited crowd at the arrival gates. The first people appear from behind the door and squeals, screams and other weird noises start to raise from the crowd as the passangers' families rush to hug them. A beaming girl walks quickly by me, pulling her pink suitcase over my foot. I almost yell at her before I see her jump into a young guy's arms. I decide their happiness isn't worth ruining.

As everyone leaves the airport, I wonder if Alexa forgot to tell me she's delaying her return again. I check my phone for any messages or calls, but there aren't any. When I look up again, I see Alexa, pulling her luggage and biting angrily into her apple. Her face is set into a scowl, and I practically smell I'm going to have to deal with a moody Alexa.

"Ugh, why didn't you bring Marcel?" she huffs, studying me, making me uncomfortable.

"Why would I bring Marcel?" I retort. She points her finger at her luggage, and I notice her long nails.

"For the fucking luggage." she replies rudely and rolls her eyes. I look at her, frown, and turn to walk away without a word. Instead of acting like a bitch, she could thank me for coming to pick her ass up, because no one would have if I didn't. I hear the sound of a rolling luggage behind me, and I know she decided to follow me.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Alexa questioned.

"With me? I'm not the one that swears and acts like she needs a butler because she can't carry a damn luggage." I snap.

We get to the car without another word, and my anger builds at the fact Alexa didn't even apologize or at least admitted to being an asshole. I don't help her with her luggage, I only wait for her in the driver's seat.

 "Did Zayn get lost in Miami or...?"

"No, Zayn told me that he's going to be back this weekend." the amount of anger in her tone is astonishing. There's something she isn't telling me.

"What are you hiding, Alexa? I know this can't make you so angry."

"I'm not hiding anything. He is." she gathers her hair and pushes it to one side. I stop asking questions and pay attention to the road instead.

I drive her to her apartment and apologize before I go to my mom's house. I feel slightly bad for leaving her alone, but the way she's been acting is simply annoying. She's throwing all her anger at Zayn on me and it's anything but fair. We don't talk through messages or on the phone and all I can do is hope that by tomorrow her grumpiness will go away.

The next morning, Matt comes to pick me up on his scooter. As I climb in the passenger seat and put my arms around his waist, I remember that sooner or later I have to tell him the truth about Leeroy. Great, now I have to deal with Alexa and Matt.

When Matt parks the bike in front of the school, I barely have time to take off my helmet, because two arms yank me off it. I scream and Marcel chuckles behind me.

"Not funny." I mumble. I take off my helmet and hand it to Matt, who winks at me.

I let Marcel lead me to the entrance, holding my hand tightly in his, as if afraid I'll pull away or something. At the parting of the corridors, he stops. He pulls me by my waist to his chest, and leans down to kiss me, right there, in the middle of the agitated students. The noise starts to fade slowly as Marcel deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth, and moving a hand to my cheek. Goosebumps and tingles and whatever else there is start forming, until people start intentionally bumping into us and pushing us.

A bully shoves me into Marcel, and my teeth bump into his, making all the magic of the kiss disappear and get replaced by pain. I turn around furiously, and shove the asshole right back.

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