Chapter 6

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Marcel pulls up in front of my building and I lean in to kiss his cheek.

''Thanks.'' I smile and get out of the car. He waves timidly and leaves as soon as I turn my back to him.

When I enter the apartment, the music fills my ears and a delicious smell directs me to the kitchen. I find Alexa there, dancing around, singing into the wooden spoon and cooking.

''What are we eating?'' I ask joyfully, and look over to the saucepan. I instantly remember it's Wednesday, which means it's pasta day. Alexa doesn't answer and keeps jumping around.

''What's up with your sudden excitment?'' I ask again. She stops dancing and goes back to the saucepan to finish cooking the meal.

''Nothing. I don't know, actually.'' she says, trying to stop a smile.

''Liar!'' I shout and poke at her ribs. She turns to me, looking like she's about to burst and throws her arms around me, jumping up and down, almost knocking me off.

''Zayn said he loves me!'' she screams in my ear, as the music stops. What I feel for her is a mix of pure happiness and a tad of jealousy. I try to push back the jealousy, and focus on the happiness. They have been together for a long time, but neither of them said they love each other. This is a whole new step for them, but I am a bit worried because we are seniors, and next up is uni.

''I'm so happy for you!'' I cheer and jump with her. I don't really feel like dancing right now, so I untangle myself from her and walk to my room. I get changed into comfier clothes and go back to the living room to eat with my best friend.

We watch 'Suburgatory' as we stuff our mouths with pasta. After I finish, I end up falling asleep.

I wake up early in the morning to find Alexa sleeping next to me. I look over at the clock and see it's almost 7 a.m.

''Wake up. Alexa, wake up, we have school.'' I shake her lightly and she opens her eyes slowly.

''Okay.'' she whispers, to announce me she's awake. I go to the bathroom for my morning routine and get changed. When I go back to the living room, she still is lying on the couch, eyes closed.

''Are you skipping today?'' I ask.

''First class.'' she replies, not bothering to open her eyes.

I make myself a tea to go, and grab a chocolate bar. I decide to let Alexa drive, because she is so sleepy and obviously isn't feeling well. I walk to school and start classes. Lunch comes around and Alexa still doesn't show up. I enter a toilet stall and text her.

'you missed half the day. R u ok?'

'im sick, wont be coming at all 2day'

I leave it at that, it's common for Alexa to be sick. I enter the cafeteria to grab a sandwich, and get out as soon as I have one. I go to my locker and sit on the floor in front of it. I start munching on my sandwich, and I see Marcel walking with Leeroy, having a heated conversation.

''Hey!'' I shout waving at them. They both turn around and Marcel smiles sweetly before turning around, Leeroy following him closely. I get up to hug them both and take a step back.

''What are you guys up to?'' I ask casually.

''We were just going to the book club.'' Leeroy says quickly.

''See if we can arrange another meeting...'' Marcel trails off.

''Could I come with you?'' Marcel grins and nods quickly.

I follow them into an empty classroom and they sit down in front of the computer while I look around. There's a big bookcase in the back so I go take a look, leaving the boys to their meeting scheduling. I turn my head to the side a little to read the titles, and as soon as I do, I feel the warmth of someone's breath falling down on my exposed skin. Goosebumps appear all over my body and I turn around to see Marcel standing there, trying to seem confident, but obviously not succeeding. He is as red as a tomato. I smirk at his failed attempt to be seductive and instantly think about telling him 'he tried', but I swallow the words before they come out.

''Can I help you?'' I ask him jokingly. He doesn't take it well because he turns around and leaves. I follow him back to Leeroy, and sit on a desk next to them.

''So what do you guys do in here?'' not that I would really care, of course I don't, I just want to make conversation with them. They both turn around and start rambling at the same time, so all I understand are the words 'read' and 'discuss'. I nod and smile.

''That seems... interesting.''

''It is!'' Marcel agrees.

I love the way he's so excited about this book club. He seems so relaxed and it's absolutely adorable. I smile at him and he looks away again. Him looking away sort of hurts my feelings, like he's rejecting me, but I keep trying to make myself understand he's really shy. And probably more insecure than I am.

After lunch, the classes seem to go on forever. I get so bored I end up trying to draw Marcel's eyes, because it ends up being a weird assymetric pair of green circles with lines sticking out of them. I cringe at the final result and gather my things ten minutes before it rings.

I sprint out of the classroom and to my locker, to leave everything there, except my phone. Today, I shall not care about homework. Tomorrow is Friday anyway.

I step inside the apartment to find a sleeping Alexa covered in blankets on the couch. There are about 4 apple stubs on the coffee table, and I sigh at her lack of care. She loves apples, but she gets stomach aches because of them. I check the fridge to see if she cooked anything, and I'm not surprised when I see a pile of schnitzels and rice. She would cook even if she was dying. I get the tupperware containers out and start eating. After I'm finished I go to my room to let Alexa sleep. All of a sudden I think of those cute movie moments where the girl is sick and the boy comes to take care of her, so I text Zayn.

''Come over lazy ass. Ur gfs sick.''

If I can't have a boyfriend to cuddle with while I'm sick, she has. Plus it would save me from having to take care of her. Aren't I the bestest friend?

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