Chapter 26

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I've missed seeing Marcel. I've missed his laugh, his eyes, his walk and his jokes. And I still miss them, because I saw no trace of Marcel today. The person I saw laughs louder and more obnoxiously, his eyes are darker, his walk is more confident abnd his jokes are perverted. Also, the person I saw is much, much more rude.

After class, I go to the gym lockers and lock myself in a bathroom, not being able to hold back my tears until I get home. The amount of water that falls from my eyes is incredible, my throat hurts from sobbing so much and after I calm down I feel not even the slightest relief.

I don't even know if it's my fault or not; I never even imagined I could be the reason for such a... change. I do hope it's my fault though, because that means he liked me alot, and that also means maybe I can bring the real Marcel back.

After half an hour I go out into the parking lot and see Alexa's car still there. When I reach it, Zayn is laying on the backseat, Alexa hovering over him, her top removed. Zayn grabs her butt as they shove their tongues down each other's throat and I can't help but let out a sound of disgust. I knock on the window and Alexa turns to look at me rapidly.

"Do you mind?" I mouth, pointing to the locked door. She rolls her eyes and puts her shirt back on, reaching over the passenger seat to unlock the door. She leaves Zayn with his pants unzipped in the backseat, and sits behind the wheel, a bit annoyed at the interruption.

"Marcel is so much cooler now, isn't he?" Zayn questions and I struggle hard to not turn around and slap his eyes out of his head.

"He's a monster, actually." I disagree with the most serious tone I ever managed to get out. Alexa looks at me frowning.

"Why are you saying he's a monster?"

"I'd rather not have Zayn here while I talk about that." I hear Zayn groan, and this time, I wish I could choke him to death. I notice his hands reaching for Alexa's back as he starts to massage her.

"Can you drop me off somewhere? I don't feel like listening to you fuck for the rest of the day." I ask and Alexa nods. Zayn starts laughing, and the volcano inside of me errupts.

"FUCKING SHUT UP YOU PIG!" I scream so loud the whole car goes silent. The next moment, I open the door and step out of the car, shutting the door at the same time the light goes green.

Alexa's getting honked at because she's looking at me wide-eyed, but I don't give a shit. She chose to drop me off somewhere to fuck Zayn, instead of dropping Zayn off to comfort me. What a fucking amazing friend I have.

I stand on the sidewalk for a moment, seriously considering throwing myself in front of a car. That would be an awesome death, I wonder if I'd be on T.V: 'Teen commits suicide for unknown reason'. Of course, Alexa would know the reason, but she'd be too busy fucking Zayn to announce the media that I killed myself because of some stupid kid who thinks he's so popular now that he's smoking. Maybe he is popular though...

I look around and start walking to my parents' house, it's less than four blocks away. I have a few clothes there, so that should do for tomorrow, although I think I'm going to have to stay at my mom's for more than a day.

As I walk along the empty street, I notice a lot of flyers sitting on the ground. I pick one up, and read it. Turns out it's an invitation to some kind of event, I quote, 'for the lonely souls'. In all honesty, it seems cool and there are a few DJs I heard of. I shove the tiny piece of paper in my bag and continue walking.

When I get home, no one's there, so I get the key I always carry with me and enter my safe haven. There are a few nut bowls and an empty wine bottle on the coffee table, meaning my parents had guests last night. I grab a handful of peanuts and shove them into my mouth.

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