Chapter 2

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 I lean against the backseat of my chair, listening to Louis' supposedly funny story with the best fake interest I can muster. God, I hate hanging out with these people. They're fun and nice and all, it's just that they don't really listen to me anytime I try to speak. Niall who is sat next to me, turns his head to look at me. He smiles his charming smile.

''Would you like another drink?'' his accent still surprises me everytime.

''Nah. Thanks though.'' I answer, attempting to smile back. I don't even get how they can get drinks, we're underage, not to mention they carry them around in school.

Suddenly, Zayn starts to speak and I have no choice but to listen.

''So like, I was sat there doing nothing, because let's face it who wants to talk about poems written by a french writer?'' Everyone bursts out laughing as he continues.

''And so I decided to talk to people, make some friends, you know? And then I bumped into Marcel. You know Marcel Styles, the one that got bullied by Ryan Hoult?'' Everyone nods.

''Good thing he left.'' Louis adds and everyone murmurs an agreement.

''So anyway, I asked where Leeroy is and he said he was at his ballet class.'' Everyone laughs. I don't, because I think Leeroy is really talented. Leeroy, Marcel's best friend since 5th grade. It's always been like this: Marcel and Leeroy. Leeroy and Marcel. They are the most bullied ones, and to be honest, I feel for them. But with my 'social status', I can't really do much.

 ''And then I told him he should come hang with the guys and I, and of course he did. He's fun, but he could use someone to man him up.'' he finishes and Louis and Niall nod and laugh.

''Interesting story.'' I say and he smiles at me. The people that can't tell when my remarks are sarcastic just amuse me so much.

 After class, I walk home, because Alexa has a date with Zayn. Not that, that was something new. I grab a snack and sit down to see what's been happening in the world of internet. I end up chatting to my mom, who lives across town. Soon enough, a text from my roommate pops up on the screen.

'Got some good news when I come back! What would you like for dinner?'

Better be real good news, not just neutral news I have to pretend to be happy about. I just really don't like pretending. Since it's her doing all the cooking in here, I answer her text.

'Chicken?' As usual. My cooking skills don't even allow me to do that.

 When she gets back, carrying a groceries bag, I welcome her with a hug.

''So what's the good news?'' I ask, eager to find out. She puts the bag on the counter and turns around to face me.

''Zayn and I...have found you a friend with benefits!'' she shouts, grinning.

I don't even know how to react. How could she talk to Zayn about this?! On the other hand, I have to admit I am a bit excited.

''Please tell me it's Louis or Niall!'' I cross my fingers and shut my eyes, hoping it's either of them. Yeah, I crush on a lot of people, so? She lets out a loud laugh and shakes her head.

''Nope, guess again.''

''Tell me.'' I demand, my excitement already lowering.

''Marcel Styles!'' she claps her hands. My face falls and all my body goes limp, this is the good news?!

 ''You are aware it's not april first, right?'' I say, annoyance taking over my words.

''Oh, just be grateful. You said anyone would be fine.'' she fires back in a relaxed tone while she unloads the groceries.

''By anyone, I didn't mean anyone!''

''I can't read minds, babes.'' Ouch. That hurt. ''Be more exact next time.'' she smiles.

I really don't want to fight right now. Besides, I can turn him down if I want to. I sigh.

''Isn't he a virgin too though?'' I ask. If he was, it couldn't work. She shrugs.

''Because if he's a virgin, my first time would be a clumsy mess.''

For the rest of the evening I can't get it off my mind. This could be my only shot to actually sleeping with a guy. I don't even know Marcel, I only saw him like two times in my life. How did he even accept? Maybe he knows me? What if he likes me?! Too many questions, but I choose to ignore the last one, because it's obvious he doesn't. At least I won't feel so insecure about my body. Great joke. I feel insecure about my body even around Alexa. I don't have thigh gap and I certainly don't have a flat stomach.

''So like... when do I meet him?'' I ask Alexa, who is standing on her stomach on my bed, probably texting Zayn. I get no answer. I snatch the phone out of her hand and read the last few messages. She looks up at me with a frown and I laugh.

''I asked you something, miss sext.'' I mock.

''God, you're annoying. Yeah... there's this um... party...and you're both gonna...ooh cheeky! there.'' she answers, not once looking at me, but staring at her phone.

''Awesome. When is it?''

''Tomorroooow.'' she chants.

''Why didn't I know about it?''

''I don't know?''

''Would you have told me if it wasn't for the Marcel meet up?''

''Of course!'' she defends.

''Yeah, right.'' I whisper, hoping she didn't hear me.

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