Chapter 8

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Friday morning, and I'm not going to wake up Alexa, who is peacefully sleeping in her boyfriend's arms. I sneak out the door as quietly as I possibly can, and drive to school today. The only thing I can think about is the fact I dreamt of Marcel last night. Marcel. This is not the way I wanted things to go, and I should stop hanging out with him... Well actually, I should stop wanting to hang out with him. I pull into the parking lot and enter the high school building, getting less attention on the hallways than a fly buzzing around.

I go to my locker and get my things for the first classes.

In English class, while the teacher speaks about Edgar Allan Poe, my pen disobeys me and draws a tiny 'M' in the corner of my notebook.

Then I have Spanish, and we're talking about expressing our feelings. All I can remember is 'Te amo'.

Maths class is next, and finally the hard thinking takes my mind off anything love-related a bit. A bit though.

Right before lunch, the History teacher tells us about Henry VIII and his numerous wives.

After the bell rings, I find myself walking to my locker. I think I'm going to hide in a bathroom or something and text Alexa. When I input the combination of my lock, I notice a tiny 'M' on my left hand. When did that get there?! I try to scrub it off, but it only fades slightly. I groan and open the locker, throwing my bag in it. I really don't want to see Marcel right now, so I marathon to the nearest restroom. I lock the door and sit on the toilet. One thing I love about this school, is the toilets are clean.

I text Alexa, but she doesn't answer. She's probably busy with Zayn. I settle on playing Angry Birds and then Cut The Rope. And so I lose one whole hour of my life, sitting on a toilet, and playing on my phone.

The next class I have is science, and I am a bit scared Marcel will be in it. I walk in, my heart ready to jump out of my chest, not of excitment, but of fear, and see Marcel in the front row wiping his big glasses.

Yaaaaay! Shit. I guess this really is an unlucky day. I try to walk past him to the back of the class the fastest I can, keeping my head down, but of course, no luck again.

''Hi, Delilah.'' Marcel says and gives a teeny tiny smile. Damn, he looks cute.

''Hiiii... Marcel.'' I struggle so much to say those words. I lean down and hug him. ''I'm going to go in the back, I hate being in the front row.'' I explain myself and walk away. His face is already making me forget whatever reason I had to stay away from him. I just want to be around him every single time I see him give that shy smile, or when his face lights up, or when he tries to be brave but fails awfully. This is exactly why I have to stay away from him. I feel like I'm starting to crush on him and this is bad news.

The teacher comes and we all take our places.

''Hi, class. I know this is our first day, but we have a lot to do this year, and we will work in pairs, so we will make them today. Everybody choose a partner.'' she says and no one switches places except two or three people. The only people left alone are me and... Marcel. Surprise, surprise.

Alexa, why did you have to get sick today you little piece of-

''Delilah, please get your things and come here next to Marcel. You will be working with him this year.'' she pats the empty part of the table next to Marcel and I don't know wether to feel excited or angry. Maybe both.

I sit down next to him and I can hear whispers. Wow, I'm sitting next to Marcel, I'm going to get plague. I still don't get how people can be so immature at the age of 18. Marcel is quiet and doesn't look at me.

What I'm most worried about is when we will have to do experiments. When we will have to put those ridiculous lab coats, but it will fit him because he's so tall, and those really weird goggles but I bet they will look amazing or cute on him because he has those really pretty green eyes, and I bet that when he will lift the tube with the weird liquid in it,  he will frown a bit and bite his lip because he really wants to know if our experiment is working. I sigh and look at the clock. There are ten minutes left of class. I pack my things and pay attention to the last part of the lesson.

I try to leave before Marcel, but that little tiny part inside my head saying 'It's ok to have a crush on Marcel' is pulling me back and I can't exit the room before him. Someone pats my back and I have a strong feeling it's Marcel. It is.

''Do you need a ride back home?'' Whoa there tiger. His shyness seems to have vanished completely. My hesitation ruins all his braveness -again- and he looks back down at the ground mumbling a 'nevermind' and starts to walk at a faster pace than me. He's asking for it, and my way too sensitive brain is well... way too sensitive. I jog to catch up with him and take his hand.

''Marcel! I didn't even get a chance to answer.'' I laugh and he seems to relax a bit.


''Don't apologize. I will drive myself, but thank you, you're really nice.'' I tell him and he smiles staring straight into my soul.

''It's nothing really...''

''Catch up with you later.'' I say and hug him quickly, his cologne filling my nostrils and rubbing off on my own clothes.

Nice move, Delilah. Catch up with you later?! You were supposed to stay away from him?!

I start to get a headache as I begin to lecture myself, so I go straight to Alexa's car and drive home. When I step into the apartment, the T.V. is on and I can hear Alexa and Zayn in the kitchen. I pop my head round the corner to find them having a food fight, while cooking. They are both laughing really loudly, and their faces are dirty.

''I'm not cleaning that mess up!'' I shout and go into the security of my room. I throw myself on the bed, and I feel myself getting dizzy, my eyes starting to close slightly. I get back up before I completely fall asleep. I go back outside to find Alexa and Zayn sat on the kitchen floor.

''We're going out tonight?'' I ask them. It's Friday so we could.

''Nah.'' they both say in unison. Guess someone has other plans for the night...

I grab leftovers from the fridge and eat, listening to the absolutely dumb conversation Alexa and Zayn are having. They are stupid, but they're in love.

I make myself some microwave popcorn and pop a DVD into the player. Soon my roommate and her boyfriend join me, and I can't help but wish Marcel was here too. I have a feeling, very faint and insecure, but it's there, that Marcel might like me too.

Not What I Expected (A Marcel Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat