Chapter 17

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In all honesty, my first time was definitely not what I expected. I don't know if it's in a good way or a bad way, all I know is: the little sceneries you make in your head? Nope, not happening. Marcel not being virigin was an even bigger surprise, and the insecurity I was feeling before he told me was nothing compared to the insecurity after he told me. Though it was quite a turn on.

And now, for the most awkward part of all: the second day, the morning after or the day after. Call it whatever you want. Unfortunately for me, it's Monday. A school Monday.

When I wake up, Marcel isn't holding me anymore, and when I look around, I can see him in the kitchen. It smells of coffee, and I wonder why Alexa even owns a coffee maker because no one that lives in this apartment likes coffee.

I put on my panties from last night and run to my room to throw on a shirt. As soon as I set my foot on the kitchen tiling, my feet turn into a big block of ice. I don't know what to say. Should I call him 'babe'? Should I kiss him? On the lips or on the cheek? Because I'm standing in the doorway not moving, Marcel looks at me, gesturing at me to come over, blessing me with one of his angelic smiles. I walk over to him, and he seems just as shy as I am. His hand moves up and down in the air, and he finally settles it on my hip to pull me closer to him. I stand up on my tiptoes, cupping his cheek in my hand, and kiss him on the lips quickly. I blush deeply and so does he. We haven't even said 'good morning yet'.

''Good Morning.'' I say and lean my head on his shoulder.

''Morning to you too, beautiful.'' he says in his morning voice, and my knees get weak. He takes a folded piece of paper from the counter and hands it to me. ''Alex left this for you.'' a smirk tugs at his lips, but he tries to stop it.

''Her name's Alexa.'' I correct him, and unfold the paper.

''You're paying for our new couch!! Btw, congrats babes. See you at school. xx''

I cover my face with my hands, squealing in embarassment and letting myself out of Marcel's grip, I stumble away from him. He starts laughing, that heart warming laugh of his, and grabs my arm, pulling me back to him. I look into his eyes, and he becomes shy again. His unsteady hand guides my chin upwards, and I dip my head down to hide my face onto his chest.

''Morning breath.'' I say, and he hugs me tighter.

''I made you coffee.'' he lets go of me, and I glance at the cup of hot coffee on the counter. Might as well be honest.

''That's so sweet of you.'' he half-smiles ''But I kinda really don't like coffee...'' His eyes lighten up and I'm really confused.

''You don't? Me neither, actually. There's some tea left...''

''Thank you. I'm going to get ready.'' I take my mug of tea and go to my room to change.

Marcel is waiting for me on the couch when I go back to the living room, and we leave at the last minute.

''C'mon.'' I take his hand helping him up and we start walking to school. ''Where were you last night? If I'm not being too nosey...'' I ask him.

''It's okay. I was at Leeroy's.''

''I didn't know boys had sleepovers!'' I giggle, and using the conversation as a distraction slip my hand into Marcel's. He doesn't answer and instead glances at me. Bad idea. I pull my hand away, but he takes it right back, and entwines our fingers together. Shit, my hand's sweating. We walk quietly, none of us being able to talk, until we get to school. 

Not used to walk hand-in-hand with someone, and not sure how people will react if they see me with Marcel, I try to pull my hand away from his for the second time.

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