Chapter 15

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I'm downing drink after drink, shot after shot, trying to forget Marcel and have a bit more fun. From across the table, Alexa looks worriedly at me. I never drink this much. In fact, I hate alcohol, but I know how much more fun it can be when it's pumping through your veins. As I lift yet another glass from the table, she sits up and takes the glass from my hand before I can put it to my lips.

''Delilah. Stop. You know you can't handle this much alcohol.'' she scolds.

''I'm still sober, dumbshit. Just a bit dizzy.'' I smile awkwardly.

''Okay. Dizzy is enough.'' Alexa fires back.

''But dizzy doesn't make me forget about Marc-''

''I'm sorry. I can't let you.''

I stare at her, walk away and join a group of people that are dancing. A few of them are grinding, boys on girls, or girls on girls. Before I can even think of how disgusting that is, someone sneaks behind me, grabs my waist, and starts swaying their hips in sync with mine. The familiar smell of Louis stops me from turning around and slapping him.

As much as I like Louis, I can't stand this. I don't like feeling his crotch against my ass, or his hands roaming around my hips and stomach. Grinding looks just like having sex standing up and wearing clothes.

I detach myself from him, and turn around, in an attempt to dance with him normally - my hands on his shoulders and his hands on my waist. On my waist only. But, unfortunately, since I'm such an unlucky person, his leg goes in between mine, and his hands don't stay on my waist only.

My legs hurt from standing in this awful dancing position, and as he leans down to... I don't really know why he leans down, but I look away as our cheeks almost touch. This, is weird as hell.

He breathes heavily, and I can tell he's just trying to be seductive, but I'm not really in the mood to be seduced right now. His hand travels to my cheek, and he turns my face so that our lips can meet. I push him away.

''Um, Louis?'' That's all I manage to say. Since when have I become the popular guy's crush? I feel flattered, but I certainly don't feel happy or pleased. This is not what I had in mind when I accepted his invitation. He tries to kiss me again, and I step back. I hate to hurt his ego and see a frown on that handsome face of his, but I can't do it.

''I can't kiss you.'' I whisper. ''Please don't hate me.'' As I say the words, I catch a glimpse of Alexa and Zayn staring at us intently. Louis doesn't say anything, but his eyes soften, and he embraces me.

''I get it.'' he whispers, and squeezes me one more time, before freeing me, and to my great surprise, grabs my hands, and puts them on his shoulders. We start dancing. Normally.

Louis shakes his head slowly, smiling lazily. I wonder what's up with this guy. I kiss him on the cheek and go to the bathroom.

My make up is still untouched, and my hair is slightly messy, because of how hot it is in there. As I look at myself in the mirror, the thump of the music quiet behind the massive door, I remember how Alexa and Zayn were looking at me and Louis. And then my mind connects the pieces so fast it overwhelms me, and anger builds up inside me. As if on cue, Alexa walks in, and I turn to her, hoping a death glare is stuck to my face.

''Really? Are you for real?'' I growl, my eyes becoming slits, like they always do when I'm angry.

''What?'' she asks innocently.

''Don't act like you don't know. Why would you make Louis kiss me?''

She bites her lip.

''Well, actually, the intention was for it to go further than that-''

''WHAT THE FUCK?'' I scream so loud, my own head is starting to throb.

''I'm sorry, okay? You just looked so depressed after Marcel rejected you, and I know you like Louis so I thought...'' her voice is high-pitched, which means she's trying to defend herself and persuade me into thinking it was a good idea.

''You thought? Or was it Zayn? Actually, none of it matters, because since Louis is such an amazing person, he understood I don't want to have sex with him. And I need you to understand one thing.'' my voice is much calmer now, this is not the time nor the place to argue with her. ''From now on, I would like you to stop finding me fuck friends or boyfriends. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself. And even if I can't find anyone, I don't need you to play matchmaker. And last but not least, I like Marcel. A lot. That's why I was so depressed over him. And I don't want to give up on him yet, so if you would please leave it to me, I would be grateful.'' I finish my speech, and she nods and leaves me alone in the bathroom. This went well.

I walk in the dark, my feet hurting and having to tug at my skirt to keep the breeze from blowing it up. I've already phoned Marcel twice, and he still hasn't picked up. I don't exactly know where I'm going, to Marcel's or to Alexa's. Granted, showing up at Marcel's uninvited would be weird, but I really wouldn't like spending the night alone. I hate leaving Louis, but I couldn't stand another second in there. I text him an apology, and continue walking.

After a few more minutes of walking, Marcel calls me. My heart stops beating for probably 2 seconds and it takes every ounce of strength to slide the answer button. Silence.

''Delilah? Are you ok?'' his voice is quiet, and low and raspy, like he just woke up. I haven't heard his voice since Thursday.

''Yeah, I'm okay...'' I reply, not knowing what else to say. Marcel sighs.

''Listen, I'm sorry about thursday. It was-''

''Forget it. It was me getting my hopes up stu-''

''No, let me talk.'' Pause. ''Zayn asked me to say that to you.'' He says dryly, and I bite my tongue. I screech at the pain. ''Are you ok? Where are you?''

''No idea. Can I come over?''

''I'm not home.'' A part of my excitment dies a little.

''Can you come over then?'' I plead and Marcel sighs again.

''Fine. I'll be there in 10.''

I take a cab home. I can't believe Zayn did that, and I can't help but wonder if Alexa knew about this. They made Marcel reject me. Of course, being the excessively nice person he is, he accepted, hurting my feelings and ego and everything that can be broken. But I hope tonight will make up for it. Because deep down I have a feeling tonight will be different. I'm thinking make-up s... nevermind!

*Sorry it was so short! If you're still reading, you're amazing and ily. Stay tuned, because next chapter will be a great chapter (I guess you've figured it out, haha). Don't forget to vote or comment. Thank youu xx*

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